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 Post subject: Re: Things I Like and Don't like about this game....
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:14 pm 

Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:05 am
Posts: 385
Location: South of Sanity
When you click on a card to move/use it, there are icons on the larger image of the card in the bottom right of the screen. Click on those icons to specify an action if you don't want to have a chance of messing up. The 5-second penalty to have a change to cancel action would be brutal in a time-based game.

That said, I always play full screen and just noticed that if I don't, the interface changes completely... which is somewhat new. "New" being that it didn't do that back in The Day but no idea how "new"... so if you aren't playing in a full window that may not show for you...

 Post subject: Re: Things I Like and Don't like about this game....
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:25 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:43 pm
Posts: 8
and ZhugeLiang:
most of your dislike are personel opinion

Thanks why my subject was, "Things I Like and Don't like about this game...." once you get down to brass tacks its all about personal preference anyways...

1) I like random map generation. Makes it more interesting, would be boring if all maps were the same.

I don't mind random maps either but there are times when one player's spawn points are covered with 3 and even 4 move terrain...this makes it hard to scout early and get any mid-map control early in the game when it is key. I've had games where both my spawn points were disconnected from the "main land" by a river that ran from one side of the map to the other, leaving me with only the bottom fifth of the map...

P.S. Aloft creatures are not OP

Although I play mostly in drafts it seems like DL and MF have very few ways to deal with them early game, from what I've seen. Syl and Ele have plenty of small fliers and flak elves to deal with them, no problems for those 2 races. DL has 1 small flier that starts with 0 attack and a 6 cost big guy. MF have Tamed frost Wyrm and Glorn Airship...neither of which is very reliable.

I don't know if it was designed like this on purpose to give those 2 races a distinct advantage in that area but I hope that as more sets come out this will be balanced out more.

2)Can you guys be specific where you think the client is clunky so we can fix?

Well sometimes the client seems to hang (Can't do anything). Other times there seems to be a lot of time between clicking on a unit, mousing over a target and then having the move/attack icon come up. This could just be lag and it doesn't seem to be as bad when using the large control panel.

There is info on the drafts and whatnot it is that blue (i) next to them. But I guess we need to make it more clear.

Yes, but most of that info is pretty vague. I was talking more about specific things. Like when you mouse over the draft texts it says something like;

Name Draft
Fee 0
Status Closed
Army Type Draft
Structure Single Elim
World Size 13x12
Min Deck Size 25
Packs 3
Single Card Dupes Unlimited

I'd say the client is clunky in part because it requires some specific mousing to get what you want done and can be prone to misclicking. I've moved when I mean to attack because my first click apparently didn't take and "my attack from" ended up being a "stroll to".

I've also found that sometimes I need to mouse off of, then mouse back onto in order to get the cursor change to what I'd like.

I've also experienced both of these things. I've also noticed that sometimes it can be hard to get the attack icon to show on the map when an adjacent target is in the south west hex from my unit when my unit has an abillity icon (which displays below and to the left of my unit on the map). This is only a problem in the dynamic control style though, from what I've seen.

 Post subject: Re: Things I Like and Don't like about this game....
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:41 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:40 pm
Posts: 95
ZhugeLiang wrote:
1) I like random map generation. Makes it more interesting, would be boring if all maps were the same.
I don't mind random maps either but there are times when one player's spawn points are covered with 3 and even 4 move terrain...this makes it hard to scout early and get any mid-map control early in the game when it is key. I've had games where both my spawn points were disconnected from the "main land" by a river that ran from one side of the map to the other, leaving me with only the bottom fifth of the map...
3 / 4 move terrain isn't bad. It's actually good as you can build onto those hexes and your opponent has to slog through them to reach you. What's bad is when you've got water blocking you from placing your first building next to the flux well(s). It happens pretty rarely, but it's very annoying when it does happen.

 Post subject: Re: Things I Like and Don't like about this game....
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:46 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:51 am
Posts: 584
Location: Madison, WI
Any engineers, scientists, or mathematicians in the house? If the community could come up with a decent algorithm to prevent the notorious "water screw", I don't doubt Jed would be happy to implement it. Maybe THAT should be Altren's next offline challenge. :-D

 Post subject: Re: Things I Like and Don't like about this game....
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:09 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:40 pm
Posts: 95
Not that hard to prevent water screw. Just let there always be land in one of the visible spots next to the flux wells. Weirdly enough, I won my last match because I was blocked in by the map. The left well was totally in an ocean, no way to build there at all. The right one was in forests out all the way past the middle flux well. I couldn't get out. He couldn't get in. Got lucky though and out turtled him.

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