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 Post subject: Constructed 8 man Tournaments
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:21 am 

Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:44 pm
Posts: 28
We need to have constructed 8 mans. You could play in this by paying power or gold. This should probably only be a 4 man tournament until the player base is bigger. This should be cheaper to play in than Keep Cards, I'm not sure what the entry fee or prize payouts need to be. In an 8 man, prizes go to first and second. In a 4 man, prize goes to first only.

Another idea I had was something similar to zwar gokken but constructed instead of sealed.

I'm not sure how popular this would be considering that people will most likely just play similar games instead.

 Post subject: Re: Constructed 8 man Tournaments
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:18 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:28 pm
Posts: 64
If the entry vs prize payout were good enough this might be the solution to the "good players tanking ratings" problem...

My random figure which might be wrong but you can play with and do actual math, would be that you could break even even if you won less than half of these 4-man tournaments-- say break even at 1 in 3? even close to 1 in 4?
something like 50g/5 power entry, 175g prize? this would do 2 things if it was successful:
1) it would pull a LOT of g/power out of the system every time it happened which would probably allow you to stop pulling it out in trades (let us trade commons without being taxed please!)..
2) it's enough prize to encourage better players to do this instead of the ladder -- you could win more in one 4-man tournament than in an entire week of ladder, and 5 power is a small enough entry fee that those competitive players could earn it regularly playing ECs (for as long as those continue)...

constructed should be cheaper to play with slightly better payout than keep cards or domain, because you are assuming that people will have to buy hundreds of hold worth of cards in order to play in the first place and to remain competitive, especially as more cards are introduced to the game. so, that's my 2c.

 Post subject: Re: Constructed 8 man Tournaments
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:44 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:00 am
Posts: 150
army type->normal
select number of players and an entry fee.
the entry fee is distrubuted back to the winning players with 5% deducted
so as long as you win 5% more than the average player you should break even.

if you make a 4 person tourney with a 50 gold entry fee the prize would be 190 gold, with most of it going to first. 5% is taken out each time.

The difficulty of course would be getting enough players to have these tournaments happen frequently enough. But you can try making them if you want.


 Post subject: Re: Constructed 8 man Tournaments
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:49 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:28 pm
Posts: 64
huh. interesting. will definitely try that sometime soon. thanks aa!

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