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Post subject: Cards that are too strong or too weak? Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:54 pm |
Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am Posts: 1045
Any cards in particular you think are too strong or too weak?
Post subject: Re: Cards that are too strong or too weak? Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:03 am |
Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:17 pm Posts: 98
'Haunt' 0 attack power!, 1 hp, and it needs a corpse to spawn from. Basically this unit can only be used as a scout, and not in the early game where one might need it the most! (Unless you put it within range of Xosan, or use something to alter it's attack power.) The unit has very little potential in my opinion. I would rather have a hellcat or one of the other 1 domain low cost units (3 or below) than use any spots in the deck for Haunt. Haunt is simply too weak for my taste!
I would like to hear from some players that use, or have been using 'Possession'. To me it seems a lot weaker than it's sylvan counterpart; 'Charm.' I always end up putting Lysis or Darkbolt in the deck instead of Possession. It simply seems to give too little benefit for me to use it because after 1 round you still have the threat on your hands! The only good Possession combo I can think of at this moment is Possession + Altar of Ix or Crypt Doctor.
Post subject: Re: Cards that are too strong or too weak? Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:37 am |
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:48 am Posts: 79
I'd have to agree with both of those assessments Wicked.
I was using Haunt in a fear deck, but I took it out for hellcat, because I needed a small early creature I could use to attack/defend with. With no way to kill a creature early, Haunt is really hard to play. If you gave Haunt aloft instead of hover it would be more useful. It could scout easier and be more of a protector type unit, like the shield warriors.
Other bad thing about Possession is if the unit already acted this turn, possession is useless because you'll get it dimmed and can't even do anything with it.
I think I'll have to add Animate Boulder is a little underpowered, sure he has a ton of HP, but he's not very useful unless you going for a Living Monument or just using him to explore. Skulduggery is another one that doesn't seem that very useful. Unless your opponent really has a lot of flux or something I don't know if I'd want to give up a glory.
Post subject: Re: Cards that are too strong or too weak? Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:02 am |
Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:17 pm Posts: 98
Well animate boulder is the toughest scout around! It still stands after 2 rounds of beatings from 2 or more mobs. Haunt is basically dead after the first attack! Animate boulder is also usable for other things than scouting, like turning it into a building! It then becomes the building with the most hp of all, and therefore hard to destroy, and a line of sight of 3, which is more than most buildings have. 2 flux is not a lot compared to what you get for the 2 flux, and animateboulder can be used in turn 1!
Skulduggery is a fun card, that has it's uses. I've used it a couple of times myself, but it usually just sits there in the hand waiting to be used. The main reason why I, and perhaps others too, don't use it more often is that it has to have 3 dark legion bases to be cast. It could be so good at the start of the game, but as it needs the three bases the opponent usually gets to spend his flux before it is ready.
I believe Negate is a bit overpowered. Today I made a test game and was surprised that it could remove a building that had been a construction site in the four previous rounds! I don't believe that should be possible as the building was placed four turns before negate was used!
Post subject: Re: Cards that are too strong or too weak? Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:19 pm |
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:48 am Posts: 79
Quote: Well animate boulder is the toughest scout around! It still stands after 2 rounds of beatings from 2 or more mobs. Haunt is basically dead after the first attack! Animate boulder is also usable for other things than scouting, like turning it into a building! It then becomes the building with the most hp of all, and therefore hard to destroy, and a line of sight of 3, which is more than most buildings have.
Yep, pretty much what I stated... The reason Negate will destroy a building, is because the construction site and the building actually count as two different figures. So Negate would work the first turn you put the construction site down and it will work when the construction site becomes a building. Basically the construction site destroys itself and puts into play the building, which means the building just came into play this turn.
Post subject: Re: Cards that are too strong or too weak? Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:38 pm |
Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am Posts: 1045
I just changed the Negate construction site thing. Now the building is created at the end of the turn rather than the start so you can't negate it. It does make negate too powerful when you know before hand that something is about to come into play.
Post subject: Re: Cards that are too strong or too weak? Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:49 pm |
Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:17 pm Posts: 98
Zwidar wrote: Yep, pretty much what I stated...
The reason Negate will destroy a building, is because the construction site and the building actually count as two different figures. So Negate would work the first turn you put the construction site down and it will work when the construction site becomes a building. Basically the construction site destroys itself and puts into play the building, which means the building just came into play this turn.
jed wrote: I just changed the Negate construction site thing. Now the building is created at the end of the turn rather than the start so you can't negate it. It does make negate too powerful when you know before hand that something is about to come into play. I'm glad negate got a little nerf there! It didn't seem fair to be able to destroy those buildings just like that. What I was trying to say about the animate boulder is that it is a lot better than haunt is at this point, and it only costs 1 flux more than haunt! So I don't believe animate boulder is underpowered as it is right now... some units are just destined to be scouts. Others are cannon fodder, thats just the way it works!  ~Wicked~
Post subject: Re: Cards that are too strong or too weak? Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:31 pm |
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:48 am Posts: 79
Quote: I just changed the Negate construction site thing. Now the building is created at the end of the turn rather than the start so you can't negate it. It does make negate too powerful when you know before hand that something is about to come into play. Good change, I like it. It definitely made Negate a little to strong. So the game now checks at the end of the round if there's any building counters on a construction site and then puts the building into play. Flux control is also checked at the end of the round, for glory points and flux generation, right? So with this change you'll gain control of a flux point one round earlier for more flux correct?
Post subject: Re: Cards that are too strong or too weak? Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:29 pm |
Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am Posts: 1045
yeah that's right and the building will be undimmed for the new round where as before it was dimmed.
Post subject: Re: Cards that are too strong or too weak? Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:26 pm |
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:38 pm Posts: 28
I was wondering about the haunt creature. Whats the point of him, he has no attack, and 1 defense and fear. Why would you bother casting that again and again, only on corpses btw, when you can cast hallows eve, and have every corpse with fear?
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