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 Post subject: Re: Offline competition:Fastest win with perfect draw(500g pool)
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:37 pm 
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Knowing right solution helps to find it, so I decided to hide it.
Interesting that noone want to get 3rd place, it is still 3rd round, so it's possible to beat this result.

 Post subject: Re: Offline competition:Fastest win with perfect draw(500g pool)
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:49 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:51 am
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Hm.. I think I have infinite glory first round. Waiting on Altren to check it :)

 Post subject: Re: Offline competition:Fastest win with perfect draw(500g pool)
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:17 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:17 pm
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I've gone infinite too... I raised the dead 4 times to get there, the last time just for fun! :twisted:


 Post subject: Re: Offline competition:Fastest win with perfect draw (Finished)
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:48 pm 
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Finished, because max possible results was achieved.
I'll post combos a bit later.

 Post subject: Re: Offline competition:Fastest win with perfect draw (Finished)
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:15 pm 
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All this solutions is 2 rounds with infinite glory.

3rd place - Wicked
Finally created something with infinite glory at the start of second round... I'll try to take things as they come along the way.

The army needs one Ocean tile, as well as some forest tiles.

- 10Flux - 7Cards - Starting Hand:
Altar of Ix, Glimpse of Greatness, Water Weird, Gather Spirits, Dank Pit, Nether Plasma, Nefarious Research.
Cast Altar of Ix, Cast Glimpse of Greatness (Elemental Domains), Cast Water Weird, sacrifice it at the altar.
Cast Gather Spirits, Cast Dank Pit followed by a Nether Plasma.
- At this point we have 0 flux left and 1 Nefarious research in the hand. By splitting, the Original Nether Plasma Into 3, you can sacrifice 2 for 4 flux on the altar and use the last one plus 2 flux to play a Nefarious research. The 3 cards gained are: Nefarious Research, Foreshadowing Ragnarok and Gather Spirits. Use Gather spirits on the corpse which are not adjacent to the altar. Then use all the flux to cast Foreshadowing Ragnaroc. Split the unoriginal plasma to a space adjacent to altar and as soon as it has been created in that space sacrifice it for flux and split another plasma onto the space and sacrifice the plasma's without tokens for 4 flux. Split the original plasma to two spaces adjacent to each other, one of them must be adjacent to the altar. Then sacrifice the plasma's adjacent to the altar for 4 flux. The last Plasma is used along with 2 of the 10 flux to play another Nefarious research to get these cards: Foreshadowing Ragnarok, Twisting Intentions, Nefarious Research. Cast Foreshadowing Ragnarok for 5 flux to get 4 Nether Plasma's with 2 tokens each. The plasma adjacent to an unoccupied space adjacent to the altar splits itself to that space, as well as another unoccupied space. The 2 plasma's without tokes adjacent to the altar are now sacrificed for flux.
The plasma closest to them are split twice, one to a space adjacent to the altar, one in a space not adjacent to the altar. Plasma's which have no tokens and are adjacent to altar are now sacrificed for flux. This leaves us with 4 plasma's 3 of them are not adjacent to the altar, two of those 3 have no tokens. Split the last of those three once to a space adjacent to altar, and then sacrifice the newly created plasma. Use the remaining 3 tokens to split plasma's to that space and sacrifice them just after they are created. then sacrifice the last plasma located adjacent to the altar.
At this point 3 plasmas without tokens remain alive, none of those are adjacent to the altar. 21 Flux, and 2 cards in hand.
Cast Twisting Intentions for 2 flux, and then Nefarious research for 2. The 3 new cards are Twisting Intentions, Twisting Intentions, Foreshadowing Ragnarok.
Cast Twisting Intentions(Nefarious Research) for 2 flux.
Cast Twisting Intentions(Foreshadowing Ragnarok) for 2 flux.
Cast 2x Nefarious Research for a total of 4 flux. 9 Flux Remains, Cards in hand: 2xForeshadowing Ragnarok, Cinder Mogi, Glimpse of Greatness, Woodlands Link, Leprous Shambles, Stalking Spirit, Mass Confusion. Cast Cinder Mogi for 3 flux, move Cinder Mogi to space without a corpse while keeping all corpses in the Cinder Mogi's field of vision. Cast Foreshadowing Ragnarok.
1 flux, 7 Plasma are undimmed with 2 tokens each.
By splitting the plasma's, sacrificing those adjacent to alter which has no tokens, and moving the rest into positions adjacent to the altar you can sacrifice all the plasmas.
That nets a total of 42 flux. Cast Foreshadowing Ragnarok for 5 flux and get 30 flux more (24 if it is not possible to split plasma's to ocean tiles). That gives us a total flux of 67(or 61).
Cast Glimpse of Greatness (Sylvan domains), cast woodlands link, cast leprous shambles, move leprous shambles to a 1 speed tile adjacent to a forested tile around dank pit. Cast mass confusion with x=1 on leprous shambles, cast stalking spirit on target unoccupied space adjacent to dank pit and the forested tile mentioned before. Total flux left: 54(or 49).
To unlock an infinite amount of free cards attack leprous shambles with stalking spirit. The stalking spirit is destroyed and respawns. One card is drawn. Repeat an unlimited amount of times. When you have gotten enough cards cast 3 blaze of abrixa for a total of 21 flux. Then cast firebeetle, and use 3 flux to do 1 damage to the 3 blazes which creates 3 flamekin that can be used to sacrifice at the altar netting a positive 6 flux. This will net us a total of 6 flux per 3 flux used = Infinite flux. With infinite cards and infinite flux we can play any other cards we want to gain an infinite amount of glory.
My personal favorite method is casting Benefits of spectacle and then casting an unlimited amount of spells.
When you are done, click pass and win at the start of round 2.


Realized that we might be talking about two different things when we talk about an infinite amount of cards.
The infinite amount of cards I am talking about is not an infinite amount of each card, just an infinite amount of cards in general. So far the limit is 3 of each card that is available now, but since the number of cards are irrelevant to the white elephant(s)/benefits of spectacle(s) + Blaze of Abrixia(s) + Altar + Firebeetle combo that can provide an infinite amount of flux and thus an infinite amount of white elephant uses, then the infinite amount of glory is still obtainable through the combo I have provided...
If you would then claim that white elephants might give 6 mf cards, then you could have thrown in knowing despair before using the white elephants on the opponent to be sure to have at least one white elephant that returns to your hand each time one is used.

2nd place angelatheist
Map: single ocean space

Starting Hand:
Altar of Ix, Water Weird, Glimpse of Greatness, Gather Spirits, Dank Pit, Nether Plasma, Nefarious Research
1st round
-cast Altar of Ix next to one ocean space (4)
-cast Glimpse of Greatness for elemental (1)
-cast Water Weird on water space and sacrifice it to altar (2)
-cast Gather Spirits on the weird's corpse(5)
-cast Dank Pit next to the altar, opposite the water (3)
-cast Nether Plasma next to the altar, make copies, one adjacent, one away and sacrifice the adjacent two to altar (4)
-cast Nefarious Research on last plasma (2)
Draw Foreshadowing Ragnorack, Gather Spirits, Nefarious Research (2)
-cast Gather Spirits on the first Nether Plasma corpse (5)
-cast Foreshadowing Ragnorack and get 2 Nether Plasma (0)
Make copies on both sides of the adjacent plasma and sacrifice as many as possible to altar (10)
-cast Nefarious Research on last plasma (8)
Draw Nefarious Research, Foreshadowing Ragnorack, Twisting Intentions (10)
-cast Twisting intentions to copy Nefarious Research (8)
-cast Foreshadowing Ragnorack making 4 Nether Plasmas (3 adjacent to altar) (3)
Make 1 copy away from altar and make copies and sacrifice the rest to the altar (23, 2 Plasmas not adjacent)
-cast Nefarious Research on a Nether Plasma (21)
Draw Twisting Intentionsx2, Blaze of Abrixia
-Cast a Twisting Intentions to copy Nefarious Research (19)
-Cast Nefarious Research on the remaing Nether Plasmas (17)
Draw Blaze of Abrixia, Foreshadowing Ragnorack, Fire beetle (17)
-cast Foreshadowing Ragnorack and get back 6 nether Plasma (4 adjacent to altar) (12)
Create plasma copies and sacrifice plasamas as much as possible (44)
-cast Fire Beetle, Blaze of Abrixia x2 by altar (26)

Use ability of Fire beetle, damaging both Blazes (n-3), two flamekins are put into play by the altar
Sacrifice both flamekins (n+1)

repeat this loop (:P - 21) times (:P + 5)

-cast Nefarious Research on one of the away plasma/flamekin (:P + 3)
Draw Benefits of Spectacle, White Elephantx2
-cast Benefits of Spectacle (:P + 1)
-cast White Elephant on opponent (:P + 1) times (:P +1 glory)

2nd round: gloat

(:P is the glory of whoever is in first place)

1st place Hithlum
Map is all forest
Starting hand: Vapor Mahal, Treetop Dominiom, White Elephant, Scorched Horizons, Altar of Nix, Nether Plasma, Nefarious Research
First Round:
Play Vapor Mahal - 6 mana left
Opponent plays Dwarven Hall
Play Treetop Dominion - 4 mana left
Play White Elephant getting 2 cards from opponent - 3 mana left
Play Scorched Horizons for 2 discarding those 2 cards - 9 mana left
Play Altar of Nix - 3 mana left
Play Nether Plasma, on the hex adjacent to both Altar and Mahal - 0 mana left
Use ability of Plasma on Hex Adjacent to Altar, but not to Mahal
Use ability of Plasma adjacent to Mahal, but not to Altar
Sacrifice both adjancent to Altar Plasmas - 4 mana left
Play Nefarious Research, sacrificing remaining Plasma - 2 mana left
Draw Foreshadowing Ragnarok, Gather Spirit, Nefarious Research
Play Gather Spirit on corpse not adjacent to Altar - 5 mana left
Play Foreshadowing Ragnarok - 0 mana left
2 Nether Plasmas come back to life
Use ability of the one not adjacent to Mahal on a free adjacent hex near Altar
Sacrifice created copy - 2 mana left
Use ability of the same Plasma on the same spot again
Sacrifice created copy - 4 mana left
Sacrifice the original that has no tokens - 6 mana left
Use ability of 2nd Plasma on hex Adjacent to Altar, but not to Mahal
Use ability of 2nd Plasma on hex adjacent to Mahal, but not to Altar
Sacrifice both adjancent to Altar Plasmas - 10 mana left
Play Nefarious Research, sacrificing remaining Plasma - 8 mana left
We now have 4 spots with Plasma corpses, 3 adjacent to Altar, and 1 - one hex away from it.
Draw Nefarious Research, Twisting Intentions, Foreshadowing Ragnarok
Pay Foreshadowing Ragnarok - 3 mana left
4 Plasmas come to life
3 Plasmas near the Altar = 3*3*2 = 18 mana(also getting a corpse of plazma on one more hex adjacent to Altar)
1 Plasma away from Altar = 4 more mana + alive original
25 mana left
Play Twisted intentions Targeting Nefarious Research - 23 mana left
Play Nefarious Research sacrificing the last alive Plazma - 21 mana left
Draw Foreshadowing Ragnarok, Twisted intentions x 2
Play Twisted Intentions targeting Nefarious Research - 19 mana
Play Twisted Intentions targeting Nefarious Research - 17 mana
Play Foreshadowing Ragnarok - 12 mana left
5 Plasmas Come to live, 4 adjacent to Altar, 1 - one hex away
4 adjacent to altar plasmas = 4*3*2 = 24 mana
36 mana left
1 plasma - 1 hex away - make 2 copies, Play all 3 nefarious Research on them - 30 mana left
Draw Vapor Mahal, Fire Bettle, Blaze of Abrixa x 2, White Elephant, Benefits of Spectacle, 3 of any other card
Play Vapor Mahal(not close to Altar) - 32 mana left
Play 2 Blaze of Abrixa - both on hexes, that are adjacent to first Vapor Mahal and Altar of Nix - 18 mana left
Play Fire Beetle, adjacent to first Mahal - 14 mana left
Play Fire Beetle ability - 11 mana left
Blazes take 1 damage each, and spawn Flamekin, adjacent to Altar of Nix
Sacrifice both Flamekin - 15 mana left
Repeat last three steps to infinity
Play Benefits of Spectacle
Play White Elephant getting back the first White Elephant infinetely - infiite Glory

There are lots of solutions, many of them is almost same, and it's not easy to find final variant, many of then also almost unreadable and uncheckable (like Wicked's solution :P ), I'll try to find most interesting and post here.

 Post subject: Re: Offline competition:Fastest win with perfect draw (Finished)
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:59 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:17 pm
Posts: 98
Altren wrote:
There are lots of solutions, many of them is almost same, and it's not easy to find final variant, many of then also almost unreadable and uncheckable (like Wicked's solution :P ), I'll try to find most interesting and post here.

I found it hard to describe the piece of art I had created in paint! Circles in varying sizes, dots in many different colors and a bit of text thrown in to help me keep track of which dots represented what!

Somehow Altren found a way to see what I had done... Perhaps because he had seen the others use many of the same cards in their solutions?

Fun to see the winning solution had a different starting hand, hadn't expected to see any other starting hand than the one Angelatheist and I used!


 Post subject: Re: Offline competition:Fastest win with perfect draw (Finished)
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:20 pm 
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Here's few more solutions.
Faxos 5 rounds - 20 glory
Well, I see there have been already outstanding results in the competition... I can't wait to see how they were achieved, I tried to work it out but didn't manage.

However, just for the records, I send you an improved version (hopefully correct) of the Caravan of Dreams (not glory :P) quick-win. It's "just" a 5turn-20glory (better than the previous 7/20 and far more unpractical to achieve).

Here it is (and, by the way, is the server down or is it just me I can't access it?):

Starting hand: Vapor Mahal, Planar Rift, Caravan of Dreams, Chambered Reef, Power Alteration, any 2 other
Map: all plains but initial flux on ocean and contiguous ocean till the central flux

1st round(10):
Cast Vapor Mahal on plain next to flux(6) - HP:5
Cast Chambered Reef on ocean, in controlled space, to gain control of central flux(4)
Cast Power Alteration on Vapor Mahal (elemental to dark legion) (3)
Cast planar rift(1)

2nd round(4) - 2 glory - Mahal HP:4
Cast caravan of dreams(1)
use ability of planar rift

3rd round(5) - 8 glory - Mahal HP:3
Cast caravan of dreams(2)
use ability of planar rift

4th round(6) - 14 glory - Mahal HP:2
Cast caravan of dreams(3)
use ability of planar rift

5th round(7) - 20 glory

Thanks for the idea of the competition, it's been nice thinking hard about cards combos.

This one looks funny for me :)
Makhalam 3 rounds, 46 glory
Map: Circle of Forest around bottom left and top right flux points + forest at point Caravan would spawn. The rest of the map is Ocean.
Hand: 1x Vapor Mahal, 1x Treetop Dominion, 2x Caravan of Dreams, 1x Mis-Scribed Circle, 1x Light of Day, 1x Chambered Reef
Round 1: 10 flux, Cast Vapor Mahal(4). Cast Treetop Dominion(2). Cast Chambered Reef(2). 2 flux remains.

Round 2: 8 flux, 2 glory, Draw White Elephant. Cast Light of Day(2). Cast Mis-Scribed Circle(1) on the point at which the caravans will spawn when cast. (furthest point from Mahal) Cast Caravan of Dreams x1(3). It spawns on the mis-scribed circle and is teleported back to the Mahal via controlled luck. 2 Flux remain.

Round 3: 8 flux, 8 glory (+4caravan, +2flux). Draw Scorched Horizons. Cast White elephant(1), gain 2 random cards, cast Scorched Horizons(2), discarding the two randoms. Gain 8 flux for a total of 13. Cast Caravan of Dreams x2(6). They spawn on the mis-scribed circle and are teleported back to the Mahal via controlled luck. 7 Flux remain.

Round 4: 13 flux, 18 glory (+8, +2), Draw another Caravan. Cast 3x Caravan of Dreams(9), they teleport back to your Mahal. 1 flux remains

Round 5: 3x Caravans return to your hand, granting 12 glory, flux grains you an additional 2 glory, for a total of 32. Win at round 5, 32 glory.

I think that's the best version of the teleporting Caravans win...

Wicked 3 rounds, 46 glory

Starting hand:
1x Vapor Mahal
2x white elephant
2x Scorched Horizons
2x Benefit of Spectacle

Next draw:
Treetop Dominion

Turn 1: 10 Flux, 0 Glory.
Cast Vapor Mahal (-4) (In flux-area with 5 forests)
Cast Benefit of Spectacle (-2)
Cast Benefit of Spectacle (-2)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
End of turn 1: 1Flux, 2Glory, E Domain.

Turn 2: Gain 3 flux, draw Treetop Domain.
Cast Treetop Domain (-2)
Cast Scorched Horizons (-2 +8) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast Scorched Horizons (-4 +16) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
Cast White Elephant (-1) (+2 Glory)
End of turn 2: 0Flux, 46Glory, E+S Domains.

1. The combo needs 5 forests within sight of Vapor Mahal.
2. White Elephant targets another White Elephant whenever it is possible.
3. The cards used for Scorched Horizons are the opponent's creature cards (7 of them to be exact).
4. For 52 Glory the deck needs Benefits of Spectacle to stack, otherwise it would end up with 26 instead.


Short and easy
Manfred 6 rounds, 24 glory.
I think this is a fairly close to optimal opener, although it relies (duh) on a perfect draw and a readily available forest.

1) 10 flux.
Cast Vapor Mahal.
Cast 3x Benefits of a Spectacle.
2) 3 flux.
Cast Power Alteration to Sylvan.
Cast 2x Sapling.
3) 3 flux.
Cast Seedburst, creating 7 seedlings.
4) 4 flux.
Mock the enemy.
5) 7 flux.
Cast graft 7 times for 21 glory, making a total of 24.
6) Win.

 Post subject: Re: Offline competition:Fastest win with perfect draw (Finished)
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:08 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:51 am
Posts: 11
Alt, I had a solution in for infinite glory as well :(

 Post subject: Re: Offline competition:Fastest win with perfect draw (Finished)
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:11 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:51 am
Posts: 11
Hold up Altren, you didn't allow my first infinite solution because it used white elephant . . why does hithilum get 1st place then?

 Post subject: Re: Offline competition:Fastest win with perfect draw (Finished)
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:37 pm 
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White elephant was allowed, but casting it on self wasn't.

Edit: <discussed in game chat why it wasn't accepted>

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