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 Post subject: Re: TFWinfo
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:58 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:42 am
Posts: 64
That can be incorperated too will just take a bit more to do it.

Edit 1:
Just found a bug and fixed it, Level was not sorting down wards (clicking level twice), it now works properly.

Edit 2:
Just spoke with my friend helping with the javascript. We talked and are going to be working mabie a lil longer but are still shoting for the release of the player card maker to be near the end of the month, but just a lil' something for you to drool over about it...

We are going to design a easy to follow bbcode style for attras and things of the like. IE: the dim image can be added easily to your card by simply adding a tag of [dim] or lifespan would be added by [lifespan]#[/lifespan] ext.

Cards will be able to use a menu of images currently being used by the game or the option to get the image from a url, note that I will not be hosting images form players at this time, could change later.

Other nifty things:
Drop menus: Help you from misspelling things and messing up your card, as well giving you all the options so you don't have to remember what they could be.

If you selected the URL option for your image then you will get the chance to add the artist name to your card, don't have to but the artist would like it I'm sure.

Other things I'm sure but that's all I really went over with him. Just want you all to be in the loop.

If you have a request for a feature please drop me a line in game or on the form or even pm me here. If you're feature idea is used I'll add a new page to the site and give you cred.

Any bugs you see let me know and I'll try to get rid of the darn things, as always.

Again a reminder to activate your account if you haven't already before the 31st for it will get removed if you don't, and you'll have to register all over agian.

I'm going to update the database again tomarrow for integrity.

Right now I'm going to sleep so I hope you guys like what I've done.

We accept the kind that jingles but prefer the kind that folds.

TFW info

 Post subject: Re: TFWinfo
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:04 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:52 pm
Posts: 97
All Spells at your site became Creatures :? .

 Post subject: Re: TFWinfo
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:48 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:42 am
Posts: 64
It was working last night I need to double check it.

We accept the kind that jingles but prefer the kind that folds.

TFW info

 Post subject: Re: TFWinfo
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:00 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:42 am
Posts: 64
This mornin's update to the db contained an error, I fixed it, spells are now spells again.

We accept the kind that jingles but prefer the kind that folds.

TFW info

 Post subject: Re: TFWinfo
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:43 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:42 am
Posts: 64
Another bug fix

Remember Me now actualy works 100%, it was workin' only 50% before I'm not sure if anyone acutaly noted, but if you check the checkbox after password the site will remember you.

Log in has a build in catch that keeps you from login in on more than one computer, This is for security, you can log in on different computer but it will devalidate old sessions of your log in (cookies included).

We accept the kind that jingles but prefer the kind that folds.

TFW info

 Post subject: Re: TFWinfo
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:49 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:42 am
Posts: 64
Alright, I have the collections ready for display, now I just need to make it so you can actualy create and add cards to a collection.

After I get that done I'll put the links up and then add it to the live site.

You will be able to make a collection public when you create it, it is set to private by default. Once I get it all working 99% I'm going to put it up so you guys can tell me where I messed up so I get get it fixed.

Admins to the collection will have be allowed to change the white list, the white list will allow you to set other members to the site to be able to read/edit/admin the collection. Owners will not be able to be removed from admin, so no worries about loseing your collection, but again I just got finished with the display but I just wanted to let you know it is comin' along.

I'd like not to be asked for featured related to the collection until what is on it has been tested and proven to be working properly, After we know what I've gotten done is working right we can move on to trying to mess it up with more features.

We accept the kind that jingles but prefer the kind that folds.

TFW info

 Post subject: Re: TFWinfo
 Post Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:38 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:42 am
Posts: 64
With the new changes the coding for the site needs to be updated in a major way, the site will keep the old data until it is up to par for handeling the new information I'll be throwing at it soon.

We accept the kind that jingles but prefer the kind that folds.

TFW info

 Post subject: Re: TFWinfo
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:57 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:42 am
Posts: 64
Took me to long to get it up right because I had to finish another project (that I actualy got paid for so...) well I have the new infromation updated in the database now along with the change to the structure of the site that allows the cards to be displayed right. Ya for free time to fix things.

With that done I'm going to be getting back to getting the collections working right, To be honest it was nearly done before I got the paying project so it shouldn't take me but 2 more days or so.

We accept the kind that jingles but prefer the kind that folds.

TFW info

 Post subject: Re: TFWinfo
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:03 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:42 am
Posts: 64
I know I said that I would have the collections up some time ago but the White Listing that was asked had caused some issues for me for a bit there, I finaly have the white list working correctly. I didn't wany anyone to think that I forgot about the site or anything so I figured with this mildstone, like so many before it, I would give you guys the update. Again I'm doing this for free and anything that I get that pays has to come first. This site is still important to me because I want to use it as a portfoilo(sp?) pice for myself as something to say "This is what I can do and I can do it well." The only part of the collections left will be adding of cards, while that sounds easy, because more than one person can now have access to the collection (ie if they are allowed to write to it, or an admin of it) it is not so much. But I do like the challenge of it.

A user of a collection can have 4 rights to that collection
read: You can see the collection even if it's private.
write: you can edit the card collection, add/remove cards. requires read access.
admin: you can add a user/change other user settings. requires write access.
owner: you have all three rights listed above and these rights can not be changed. You can also make the collection public or private at anytime.

Owners are set when they create the collection

To add another person to the collection you need to have his or her user name from the site(not here). Type it in the box and click add, new users to the collection will have read access by default.

if you remove all access from a user (ie: user can not read, write, or admin) then that user is removed from the white list and from the collection, you can add the member again if it was a mistake to remove them. If you have a user who can admin, write and read and you remove the read ability they will be removed from the list because read is a requirement of the other two.

I'm sure more will come up while I go over this. but for today I'm done I need to clean my head form the mess that I went over trying to get the white list to work before I move on to the next steps of the collections.

So, in a nutshell I really hope you guys will like the collections cuz I have a headake from makein' them work right.

We accept the kind that jingles but prefer the kind that folds.

TFW info

 Post subject: Re: TFWinfo
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:43 pm 
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Where is these collections? I can't find at at site.

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