New Set Questions
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Author:  cosmosiskwik [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  New Set Questions

1) Will the new set have new cards for each of the 4 current domains, or just cards for the 2 new domains?

2) How will the new set be sold? I have a suggestion: When Buying a Pack at the Store, you should have the option to choose which sets (base, new set, future sets) you want the pack to draw from. This way, people already with a lot of the base set cards could add packs that consist solely of new set cards, while new players can add packs that contain cards from all sets.

3) Any idea how large the expansion will be (# of card-wise)?

4) This is not a question, but I can't wait! =)

Author:  jed [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Set Questions

1) all 6 domains

2) Probably something like that

3) ~250 cards

4) me neither

Author:  Keyser [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Set Questions

Are you releasing it in a way that will make the sets "even"? Or will there be more S/DL/MF than the new races?

Author:  Altren [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Set Questions

New domains will get much more cards, so each domain will have about same number of cards.

Author:  Zurken [ Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Set Questions

Altren wrote:
New domains will get much more cards, so each domain will have about same number of cards.

Means ca 80 cards in every set after the new cards are released .. :)

Author:  RadicalRat [ Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Set Questions

How does this work with Domain Leagues? Let's say I entered a domain league selecting Sylvan after the expansion has come. With only 25 or so new cards for the old domains, it probably won't make sense to have an option to enter domain with just the new Sylvan cards.

On the other hand, if the likelyhood to get any given new Sylvan card isn't any higher than it is to get a certain old one of the same rarity, that's not good either. This is because prices for the old cards would drop greatly (sure they may drop a bit anyway, but not that much), and soon no one would do domain with the old domains because that would mean wasting a lot of gold. This could kind of balance itself though, as the price for the new S, MF, DL and E cards would probably climb to skies, as the only sensible way to get them would be buying new set boosters from the store. But I doubt your old player base will be happy if their collections lose a huge amount of value.

Maybe it would be best if the new cards would be about 2,5 (or whatever the ratio is for old to new cards for the old domains) times more likely to pop up in domain packs for old domains? This would mean the expected number of new cards would be exactly the same as the expected number of old cards, when opening those S, MF, DL or E domain packs.

Author:  kash [ Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Set Questions

RadicalRat wrote:
Maybe it would be best if the new cards would be about 2,5 (or whatever the ratio is for old to new cards for the old domains) times more likely to pop up in domain packs for old domains? This would mean the expected number of new cards would be exactly the same as the expected number of old cards, when opening those S, MF, DL or E domain packs.

That might be good for old players who already have complete sets, but terrible for new players since it makes it very hard for them to get the core old cards.

Author:  RadicalRat [ Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Set Questions

kash wrote:
That might be good for old players who already have complete sets, but terrible for new players since it makes it very hard for them to get the core old cards.
Complete sets? :lol: Oh, and I assumed the old way of doing domain with the core sets only, would be preserved too in any case. Why not, if the core set packs can still be purchased from the market section too? But why don't you say what you think would be best then?

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