Keep Cards
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Author:  Keyser [ Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Keep Cards

I've been trying to get some Keep Card matches going, and it invariably means I have to type out an explanation for several people (usually to be told "I don't have any gold").

Rather than typing it out over and over again, I thought I'd just post it here:

You click "Keep Cards" on the right and pay 500 gold. When 4 players join, it starts. Each player opens a pack and picks one card, passing the rest of the cards to the next player. You take one of those and pass the rest. So and and so forth through 3 packs. You make a deck from the cards you took, and play single elim tournament. You keep the cards you drafted. Top two places get a cash prize.

Author:  cosmosiskwik [ Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Keep Cards

I'd like to add that if you leave the keep cards before it is full, you will NOT be charged 500 gold (or 50 power).

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