Top Players
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Author:  Keyser [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Top Players

This screen capture was taken today at 11:34 AM Central (GMT - 6)

Who are "doing" and "kar" ? I've never seen them online before and now they are at the top of the list?

And why is Galorix not on the top players list? I played him just the other day in the EC finals, and I KNOW his ranking is in the 1700s, so he should be on the list.

My ranking is 1398 at the time of this posting... so I should be on the top list as well, but I don't see me.

Headshot's ranking is 1455, so why does he show up at the bottom of the top 20?

What's going on with the top 20?

tfw-top.jpg [ 20.64 KiB | Viewed 13189 times ]

Author:  Voices [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top Players

Someone is having a good time messing about.

More rules, i say. More rules!

Author:  headshot [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top Players

I'm at the bottom cos I suck.. Well, that's not the reason. The numbers are [rating-uncertainty], and we are at the right places. Galorix's uncertainty probably exceeded some threshold (100?) so he doesnt appear there for the time being. But the main question, who the heck are those noobs, that's a good question. Probably someone played against themselves WHICH IS FORBIDDEN IN THE RULES AND I DEMAND THE RULE BREAKERS BE PUT IN ICY ENCASEMENT IMMEDIATELY.

Author:  Zavia [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top Players

How about this, ladder is open to accounts who has met the following conditions.

A) 7 days old
B) 5 wins
C) Played against atleast 3 other accounts.
D) Have a forum post of 5 or above.

You must have ALL FOUR CONDITIONS met.

Author:  Zurken [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top Players

To the list of these mysterious noobs I'd add pakar as well.
And when I was starting (lol, grannie says when I was young... but now it's true (as well)) the lowest ranking needed to entry the TOP20 was 1600 (uncertanity already substracted!) .. now it's like 200 points less.. that's where TOP20 is going.
@Zavia; good points except the last one, I think. You cannot force anyone to start posting.. you know, they'd create forum "hia, how are you?", write another 4 meaningless 'articles' elsewhere and that'd be it? Nothing good in this I think

Author:  Keyser [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top Players

Do Beta games count towards constructed or limited ranking? If constructed, that might explain why the ratings are getting lower overall?

Author:  Zurken [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top Players

Keyser wrote:
Do Beta games count towards constructed or limited ranking? If constructed, that might explain why the ratings are getting lower overall?

Limited. That just explains why my constructed is dropping.. :(

Author:  TheFlashPoint [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top Players

I played doing in the EC earlier today. At the time, his constructed uncertainty was 86.

Although possibly caused by lag problems on his part, doing seemed to be a capable sylvan player whose skills do not yet match someone like Coreycorey.

So... is it better or worse to have newer players listed on the front page top 20? I'd say it's better, but having three players who's ratings are arguably a bit high does seem premature.

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