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 Post subject: [Suggest] 2 v 2 SuRvIvOr!
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:56 am 
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Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:38 am
Posts: 315
I have a fun survivor based 2 v 2 game in mind where we can both cheat, get caught cheating and vote until there is only 1 survivor.

Every 2 v 2 match we play we get either 1 point for winning or negative 1 point for losing. At the end of the interval (maybe 1 week to 1 month?) players with one or more points move on to the next interval. Players can play as many games as theyd like, they can even play 2 v 2 against players not involved in the survivor league. So even ousted players can help surviving players continue to play, at the dishonor of the surviving player that is. Each interval the player with the most points gains immunity for the next week.

Heres the catch. One interval the surivors vote for one person to oust. The next, the ousted players can step up to oust someone. Revenge is a must and anything gos so choose your partners well!

General Rules [still under suggestion]
1: One interval survivors vote, the next the ousted ones vote. Thus is the circle of survival life.
2: Points are added up. As in. Points dont reset each interval.
3: Each interval players need the corresponding amount of points for each interval. Example: Interval 3 requires 3 points.
4: Matches must be 2 v 2
5: Matches must be reported by participating winners. This report will be made in a "Survivor Report" thread. It will include names of all players participating in match and which interval the game was played in.
6: Matches can be played against non-participating or ousted opponents but this is cheating. However, if a win occurs the names of the players must still be reported. (See rule 5)
(Edited Once)
7: Matches dont require same team mates.
8: Player with the most points at the end of an interval gains immunity for the next interval
9: Ousted players decide via voting any ties or other decisions.
10: Immunity can only be given if there is 5 or more players.
(Edited once)
11: At least one match an interval must be against a survivor.
12: Winner is decided amongst the final two players in a match. Match is 2 v 2 and the players can have a team mate of their choosing.
13: All The Far Wilds Game Rules Are Applied
14: A win will give a point. A loss will lose a point.
15: Immunity can not be given more than twice in a row.


What do you all think? Sounds like a fun format we dont have to wait for jed to create. We can operate the game entirely in the forum.

(Edited once)

Last edited by UBER on Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:22 am, edited 10 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: [Suggest] 2 v 2 SuRvIvOr!
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:36 am 

Joined: Wed May 06, 2009 8:48 pm
Posts: 23
Sounds cool to me. I'd participate. I'd probably even contribute to a prize pool.

 Post subject: Re: [Suggest] 2 v 2 SuRvIvOr!
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 1:09 am 
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Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:38 am
Posts: 315

I came into this thread expectin an its too confusing reply.

I can add a little to pool. But in general im very pro keeping it free. However this is just a suggestion thread.

Edit: If anyone sees any loops holes please comment.

For instance I see a problem with people not voting.

 Post subject: Re: [Suggest] 2 v 2 SuRvIvOr!
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:15 pm 
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Joined: Sat May 30, 2009 10:31 pm
Posts: 188
I will start with saying i think it is awesome someone took the initiative to make a little minigame type thing that we dont have to bother the devs to play.Kudos.

Now for issues i foresee.
Same points for wins as losses? guess ill play a ton of games, resign 4th round and get the same points as the people who beat me.Allowed to play anyone?guess ill grab 2 noobs, rape them 18 times every week, grab immunity for the week.Now, without gold incentive id say these will be avoided, seeing as people would not really do that just for the glory of the win because everyone will say they are noobs who ruined the game ha.The issue with no gold pot, is that not many people will be interested no matter how fun it is-also an issue.

Make a small pot, nothing crazy, just 1 power per person or something small like that.
If a pot is implemented, you can only play the same team 2 times an interval.However, you can still play people that were on that team more, just not that same exact team.For example, i can play against uber and corey 2 times in the interval, but after that i can also play corey and queeshai, or uber and monyx.
You can only play with the same teammate 4 times an interval.I think this would make it funner, and also easier for everyone to be able to play more with the previous rule i suggested.
Make a win 2 points, a loss 1 point.I think it is obvious why.
You can only play people that are "on the island".This is so that you cant farm wins from noobs, you can only play people that have money put into it.

Can't really think of anything else at the moment. But yeah, good job UBER, I think more people should start doing things like this instead of telling the devs to do everything :D.


 Post subject: Re: [Suggest] 2 v 2 SuRvIvOr!
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:07 am 
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Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:38 am
Posts: 315
@ noob
I meant negative 1 point for a loss. Ill fix that.

If you rape a noob and gain immunity I will vote you out as soon as possible for cheating. (see rule 5)

If someone else trys to be a bigger cheater than you and succeeds your possibly screwed since you wont have immunity. Since he with the most points wins, getting too many points early game isnt going to be a good idea. Ill make this blatantly called cheating in the rules but unpunishable. It will be up to the voters to decide if its punishable.

Ill also make the ending not point based but skill based. So the final 2 players will have a one time decision match with a team mate of their choice.

You already lost with that mentality. Immunity dose not last forever. Ill add a no immunity twice in a row rule or maybe no immunity more than twice in a row.

I dont want to implement a pot because I want it to be attractive to more players, the pot will be entirely donations and Ill put a cap on it to stop alternates and multiples from joining. The remander after the cap will go towards the next survivor series.

Multiple and voting abuse

This is the biggest loop hole since people can just enter 10 accounts and vote out whoever. Im thinking about a way to possibly make an ousted one in the final to keep ousted players voting and stop the final player from being the one with the most alternates. Ill update this later with ideas.

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