Early Creatures Mid Creatures Late Creatures Well Control Early Spells/Enchant Mid Spells/Enchant Late Spells/Enchant Creature Speed Special Ability Creatures Special Ability Buildings Flux Gain Flux Denial Building Destruction Building Protection Building Movement Creature Protection Creature Control Disenchantment Space Denial(movement/building)
I believe you could rate any deck with those. Give them a 1-5 rating, 5 being best.
Then you could use the dirivitive of (Popularity + Win chance in current meta game) with the the total rating score of that as an underlying to find out when certain decks are going to be nerfed.
Just gotta do the math lol.
I may also have what derivitives are wrong too lol. Im no math major. I thought this was an interesting idea so I'm posting it. Don't expect much to come from it although I may use it for fun. But feel free to build on the formula with me. I'm always interested in learning more.
Edit: I actually think Im using the formula wrong lol. Still trying to understand derivitives.
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