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 Post subject: Who is Top?
 Post Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 4:15 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:37 am
Posts: 359
I noticed today that you can place bets in the free draft room. I'd just like to know who is considered the top player (assuming I want to bet /top). Should be based off limited ratings, but I just want to make sure.

Additionally, when does betting close? Again, with the assumptions. I assume it would close right after the 4th player joins. If that's the case, what if I would have wanted to bet on said 4th player? What if 4th player wanted to bet as well? He would never get a chance.

Why are people in a draft/sealed room automatically considered registered? What happens if I just want to see who's around or if I only want to bet and not participate?

I'm bored, so I'm speculating. I also like to bet, though I rarely win.

Looking for: Crumbling Alone (2)
Also looking for: Revenant Bishop, Osin Faith Healer, Pilgrim's Cairn, Avenging Angel (2)

 Post subject: Re: Who is Top?
 Post Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 11:12 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
Betting doesn't work that great with drafts since they start as soon as the 4th joins. so you can never bet on the 4th player. Also top is constructed rating so beware.

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