Is this just really bad luck with Domain? Or are packs incre
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Author:  Keyser [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Is this just really bad luck with Domain? Or are packs incre

Is this just really bad luck with Domain? Or are packs incredibly unbalanced.

In an attempt to be different and not play Chaos or DL like everyone and their brother, I went Sylvan.

This was apparently a huge mistake.

In my first 3 packs, I had one and only one single domain creature. And it was Fairy Emmissary.

So much for Sylvan rush... the only thing that you can count on doing in Sylvan because it has 0 domain acceleration.

My two domain cards weren't so hot either. I had one Lancer (who is awesome) and 3 Arendor Treefolk, who are only useful if you have vision (this is where one Domain creatures come into play) and Forests.

After buying 5 packs, I have 7 single domain creatures.
Screen shot 2010-07-01 at 11.34.52 PM.png
Screen shot 2010-07-01 at 11.34.52 PM.png [ 35.66 KiB | Viewed 13646 times ]

Is it just me? Or is that horrible??!

There's not wonder my record this Domain is abysmal.

Author:  Altren [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this just really bad luck with Domain? Or are packs incre

Is that really so bad? I agree, that having 1 creature is not much, but 7 1st level creatures is enough for good deck.
I had deck with 9 creatures Total in domain and it was good deck.

Author:  DarkJello [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this just really bad luck with Domain? Or are packs incre


Just wow!

Keyser, you have the BEST luck in the history of TFW and you are upset??? ;)


DarkJello :twisted:

Author:  Keyser [ Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this just really bad luck with Domain? Or are packs incre

Altren wrote:
Is that really so bad? I agree, that having 1 creature is not much, but 7 1st level creatures is enough for good deck.
I had deck with 9 creatures Total in domain and it was good deck.

For Sylvan, yes, it's awful. Sylvan can't get a second domain for less than 7 flux, putting it vastly behind any other domain. It needs those cheap one domain creatures in domain.

The fact that there was 1 and only 1 in the first 3 packs made the first week of gaming pretty useless.

Author:  Zurken [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this just really bad luck with Domain? Or are packs incre

I know how you feel, exactly.
Should you dig deep enough, you'd find very similar forum I created ..
Domains just suck, play Keep Cards! that's all I can say to this ...
(Unfortunately, I used to like playing domains a lot .. still think about giving it another chance .. I can post what I got then..)

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