The Far Wilds rules [writing].
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Author:  Altren [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  The Far Wilds rules [writing].

As I said few days ago in Lobby - I'm planning to write about TFW rules and mechanics.

My English fails sometimes, so it may require some help with editing. Please post here who is ready to help edit pages that I'm going to write.

I realized that I can't write about everything simply because it's way too much for me.
First I'm going to cover battle mechanics. Because I know and can describe completely everything about battle. But I can forget something, so here's short list or things that I'm going to write about:

0. Basic concepts. [I'm not really sure what to write here, but I think rules require some global overview of battle, before describing every bit of it]
- battle grid;
- cards.
1. Players hand and deck. Done?
- casting [domain and flux cost (with link to 2. Flux), targeting];
- cards types [what is what and what is difference between types];
- cards draw [when and why you draw or not draw cards];
- mulligan;
- Autodraw; Done?
- cycling.
2. Flux and flux wells. Done?
3. Turns and Rounds.
- order of players actions;
- pass and pass all;
- who act first;
- order of everything in battle [end of round, start of round and so on and when default things trigger (cards draw, glory, water damage, flux income and so on)].
4. Figures and entities in battle.
- buildings [Area of control Done?, bases];
- creatures;
- figures stats, vision;
- figures tokens and counters;
- enchantments;
- health;
- destroying/sacrificing/removing;
- damage from water;
- special entities [corpses, ruins, construction sites];
- passive abilities;
- triggered abilities.
5. Actions in battle.
- movement [terrain types and costs, movement related abilities];
- melee [Battle Back];
- ranged;
- abilities.
6. Game goals.
- loose/win conditions;
- glory;
- timers.

May be I missed some parts that should be there, so please tell me what I forgot about.

Author:  Zblader [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Far Wilds rules [planning].

I don't have much time, but I think I'll be able to help edit on my current schedule. Just PM me with the page.

Also, you forgot to add mulligan, which I'm looking foward to an explanation on how that works (in terms of what cards you'll draw).

Author:  krakhoar [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Far Wilds rules [planning].

Seems very thorough. The only addition I can think of for now is some explanation of vision (i.e., when is vision needed for something? / when is it not?).

Also, I would be happy to edit if zblader is unavailable.

Author:  Keyser [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Far Wilds rules [planning].

As I mentioned when we first talked of this in the lobby, I will make it all into proper English and put it into the wiki.

Author:  Voices [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Far Wilds rules [planning].

Altren, that looks great!

Just don't put too much pressure on yourself :) (But if you do manage to finish this in style, I really hope that you are rewarded accordingly.)

Two minor suggestions:
(i) Under Basic Concepts/Intro, maybe you could say something about what is different in TFW from other, seemingly similar games, i.e., highlight was is unique to TFW.

(ii) Under movement, I am sure that you will include terrain costs and the different abilities that are relevant for moving (aloft, hover etc.). I think (but I am not entirely sure) that most of these are covered in the Wiki Glossary already, so maybe you can just copy/past or linkto those entries.


Author:  Altren [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Far Wilds rules [planning].

Voices wrote:
Two minor suggestions:
(i) Under Basic Concepts/Intro, maybe you could say something about what is different in TFW from other, seemingly similar games, i.e., highlight was is unique to TFW.
I'm going to describe rules, not concepts, gameplay and something like that. Also I can't do that simply because the only CCG game I played is MTG.

Voices wrote:
(ii) Under movement, I am sure that you will include terrain costs and the different abilities that are relevant for moving (aloft, hover etc.).
Of course.

Author:  Altren [ Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Far Wilds rules [writing].

I wrote 1st and 2nd sections and improved Area of Control page. I need feedback, because I feel like I'm doing something not really useful or doing it wrong. Also I'm not sure if current structure it good.

Author:  angelatheist [ Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Far Wilds rules [writing].

I made some changes to the rules pages, mostly grammar and trying to make it flow nicely. It seems pretty good now but if anyone else wants to make more changes they can go ahead.

Author:  Zblader [ Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Far Wilds rules [writing].

Theist pretty much covered everything, but I added a few pieces of info.

Author:  Altren [ Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Far Wilds rules [writing].

Thank you guys , I feel much better now :)

Zblader: I deleted "Control By Uncontrolled Cards" section that was already covered in "Uncontrolled areas".

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