Balance of Value and Fun
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Author:  Zblader [ Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Balance of Value and Fun

Before I start my post, I'd like to show a quote from Cavetroll and Keyser, taken from a discussion about Domain.

Keyser wrote:
CaveTroll wrote:
It is becoming too difficult for me to find games lately, as many people are unashamed of refusing to play me because they think they will lose. Since I dont have as much time as I did before i know that it will be too difficult for me to play all the games in Domain. So for now Im taking a break. Probably will come back for Domain later to see if things has improved. Being too focused on winning gold can kill this game, but lets hope it wont or that people will start playing for fun and not just for gold.

Cave, just do what everyone else has done and make an alt account! =)

As well as Atahualpa, who has found a way to exploit the betting system. :D
Atahualpa wrote:
At an EC, today... someone bet 3g on me, someone bet 1g on underdogs. Too bad, I don't really care for EC's anymore and used an experimental deck that's only been used once before. Needless to say, it failed miserably.

Big winner at the EC... the guy who bet on the dogs and won the 3g!!! Way to go, dude!

Oh... you're saying the guy that won the 300 acorns is the big winner? Seriously? You believe that?

Edit: OMFG! What if I was the guy that bet against the 3g and intentionally lost the EC in order to take the loot!!! After all, 1g > 482,394,128,924 Ratings + 482,394,128,924 Acorns.

It seems people are having a hard time finding a way to enjoy this game without worrying about not being able to buy cards, or want to still get gold to enjoy tournaments and create crazy new decks but are worried about not having fun anymore.

I'm not exactly sure what TFW's current condition or focus is (I am hoping it is focused more on fun), but I'd like to ask a question: what do you want TFW to become:

1) A huge MMO that requires all sort of money and stuff?
2) A game you just want everyone to plain enjoy?
3) Or a fusion of both, a game that draws players, but is also enjoyable?

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