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 Post subject: Help us to promote the game
 Post Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:58 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:52 pm
Posts: 97
Here are links to TFW version for newgrounds.com and kongregate.com.
Can you guys write something positive but looks realistic and course vote for the game.



 Post subject: Re: Help us to promote the game
 Post Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:42 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:57 pm
Posts: 40
As a Kongregate player I can tell you that whichever comment you may write now in the original game page, very few people will see it. The game was loaded long time ago and the low rating it got relegates it to oblivion. Only a massive increase in rating would give it new visibility and to be honest this is probably out of reach.

IMHO, the reasons why the game scored low were:

1) it was basically a beta, LOTS was changed in the months following its upload on Kong (bugs, currencies changes, games dynamics, card balancing...)

2) many new players were tramped by the veterans, they bitterly left and rated down the game

3) tfw looked like a pay-to-play game; this is an automatic 1/5 mark for most Kong gamers

It was a pity and, partially, an occasion lost, because Kong is full of good players (yeah, along with thousands of trolls :P) and TFW deserves a very much higher rating than it currently has.

To address these issues individually, I'd say that:

1) TFW went a long long way from the game it was. It is stable and nicely balanced (as I write, the system is down :P Is this sign of a doomed fate?). As long as you guys decide for a currency, agree on its uses, and stick to that (e.g., is acorn the 'free' alternative to gold? what do you use it for? Is power phased out for good? etc) new players would not get confused by too many changes

2) players match-up is much better now, with the ladder and similar matches (it wasn't even there, when I started). Newbies tournament is also an excellent new feature. On top of this, new players probably need something more to do independently (long campaigns) and I think a dedicated one also deserves a way to build up a basic, decent collection (something more real and useful than the occasional phantom).

3) pay-per-play games have hard life on Kong, which mostly remains a host for FREE flash games. I myself am usually a non-payer (TFW being the only game I ever put something in, just 10 bucks in fact). Still, if you want Kong players to come, stay, and give a decent-to-great rate, you must make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that you can play TFW entirely for free, that money can be used to quicken the development of your deck but that a dedicated, smart player can eventually compete with the best; this must be written everywhere, especially in the game description. Kong-ers are very sensitive on this issue.

Of course, the new, major problem is now the low players base. I have absolutely no idea of how or where to advertise :) Yet, I know that you really need every player you get to enjoy the game and stay.

My suggestion is to get the game back in shape (enlarge and finalise the campaigns for new entries, decide on a currency, ...) and give it another go, uploading a new version of TFW on Kong. Hopefully, this time the outcome will be better :D

 Post subject: Re: Help us to promote the game
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:34 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:57 am
Posts: 93
Wow...Great post Faxos...agree with everything you said!

And great memories since I found The Far Wilds on Kongregate myself!

I do wonder if there is a way to remove the game kongregate and then put it back on there. Not only will the new reviews and rankings come from players that will play a more balanced game with tons more game options then 2008, but it will show up as a recent game (a place where I always start my searching for games).


 Post subject: Re: Help us to promote the game
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:40 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:52 pm
Posts: 97
We going mo make it. But we need finish campaign first, and add new acorns system.

 Post subject: Re: Help us to promote the game
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:44 am 
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Yeah, that's what we are thinking about, but there is problem with making new copy of game. There are already three The Far Wilds made by Jed and we with grug found no way to remove them. And updating all three copies is quiet annoying. And then we need to update 4 versions and so on. May be we'll leave them alone though.

They also show a recent game (or recently updated, don't remember) every time we do an update, so may be that's enough, may be not. Anyway we was going to upload new version to Kongregate and other similar sites as well after we will finish with campaigns, market changes and few other things.

[EDIT] Heh, grug was faster than me. I guess I know why :)

 Post subject: Re: Help us to promote the game
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:59 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:57 pm
Posts: 40
Altren wrote:
Yeah, that's what we are thinking about, but there is problem with making new copy of game. There are already three The Far Wilds made by Jed and we with grug found no way to remove them. And updating all three copies is quiet annoying. And then we need to update 4 versions and so on. May be we'll leave them alone though.

Right, I don't think it is possible to remove a game from the Kongregate servers (at least, I have never heard of a single game being deleted). You should contact Kongregate directly if you want to get a (slim) chance.

Altren wrote:
They also show a recent game (or recently updated, don't remember) every time we do an update, so may be that's enough, may be not.

I believe only newly uploaded games gets back to the "new games" page. I think it'd be MUCH MUCH better if you could upload a new game. The current one is already rated low, it'd be REALLY difficult to increase it (old gamers won't come back to change their rate). You could call it TFW II, or vers. 2, or Reloaded, or whatever :D In fact, this game went through loads of changes since the first version on Kong.

Altren wrote:
Anyway we was going to upload new version to Kongregate and other similar sites as well after we will finish with campaigns, market changes and few other things.

Totally totally totally agree on this :)

 Post subject: Re: Help us to promote the game
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:54 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:45 am
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Faxos, good posts! Altren, good reply!

 Post subject: Re: Help us to promote the game
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:58 pm 
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Joined: Fri May 01, 2009 9:17 pm
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Found the game on newgrounds, I had been trying to pump its rating whenever I log on there since you could vote on it everyday specially with high ranking accounts. I had made some videos of game plays, feel free to use it for publicity. Making more soon, I just had been busy with work and other things.

http://www.youtube.com/v/nwgZ0oC0NF4 full window hd

http://www.youtube.com/v/occror46DGI full window hd

 Post subject: Re: Help us to promote the game
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:46 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:03 am
Posts: 70
Location: Long Island, USA
Promoted at utopia-game.com.

The 13 year old free text base game that puts 25 random strangers from across the globe and has them work as a team to form a winning kingdom.

I can promote there to my 20 mates and 20-25 different people every war (1-2 weeks) in other kingdoms.

If anyone is interested in trying it out send me a message or just go to the site. The only thing is my kingdom has a 2 attack a day minimum. Usually people attack 12 hours apart to accomplish this but you can adjust your attack times pretty easily to 9-10 hours to fit your schedule.

Otherwise there are less hardcore kingdoms you can mess around in but my kingdom dose have one invite left this age.


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