Is this game still around? If not, can I buy it?
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Author:  Altren [ Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this game still around? If not, can I buy it?

Keyser wrote:
Fantastic. Where can we play the new version? (When I click "play" on the main page it wants me to download flash still.
It is still work in progress, and not public yet.

Author:  archon [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this game still around? If not, can I buy it?

I’ve thought this since the beginning. And I played basically when TFW came out:

If this was an iOS game it would blow up and you’d make insane amounts of money. The saddest thing to me is that nothing could make MORE sense than seeing this game on an iPad but sadly it probably will never ever happen. Basically with game store integration and in app purchases for packs... this game would be as popular as hearthstone. Especially given a few good Facebook/instagram ad campaigns.

To this day, The Far Wilds is my favorite game of all time. I’m not kidding. It integrates a lot of games I like while eliminating their flaws.

Author:  aarongreen50 [ Mon May 04, 2020 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this game still around? If not, can I buy it?

Wow, yes, if I could get this as an app on my phone that would be the perfect thing to do during quarantine!

If anyone wants to play sometime let me know.

Author:  Far [ Wed May 27, 2020 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this game still around? If not, can I buy it?

Also checking in.
IT has been some time since I was kicking your asses in this fantastic game! 8-) Hope one day, it will be possible again. #farwildslives ;)

Author:  Keyser [ Wed Jan 27, 2021 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this game still around? If not, can I buy it?

Still interested if the price is reasonable.....

Author:  Historian [ Mon Nov 25, 2024 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this game still around? If not, can I buy it?

I also check in to see if the game is up. I had played for free for a long time, but after a while I wanted to buy in-game packs just to support the developer (whoever he may be). But the BUY link was broken, and shortly after the game broke (at least it won't run on any of my computers).
The plus side is I get more work done now :D

Author:  Altren [ Thu Dec 05, 2024 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this game still around? If not, can I buy it?

Browser version actually works. Also it looks more like a downloadable version now.
Enabling payments is too complex due to legal reasons, so I run game as is

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