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 Post subject: Death Agent
 Post Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:00 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:05 am
Posts: 137
Location: Cincinnati OH
This guys ability reads wonky, which i mentioned so it should be fixed soon, but its effect is any creture adjacent to it dies flat out, no 0 hp, dies at the end of every turn. This effect is really powerfull. Anything triple domain about 6 flux, just seems next to be impossable to kill even with an entire army, phoenix is the other one in this range. Should Agent of Death be able to kill undead, flavor wise this wouldnt unbalance him it be as much a boost to your army as a possable out to the opposition. And he definantly does seem like an agent of death with that ability he seems like he is Death himself. Anyway he singlehandedly turned the tide of a game on me, and a few turns later my opponute overan me with seconds left on the clock, brutal. But i had a lot of issues with his wording, trying to find what seemed like holes in it, only to not work that way. A creature who can kill 3 guys in a turn of the game without attacking, regardless of what they are seems broken anywhich way you cost it. Might as well have brought in magics wrath of god, which i think would be less devistating. :P Another case of oh, your not sylvan and full of archers, well you lose.

 Post subject: Re: Death Agent
 Post Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:09 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:29 pm
Posts: 254
Ok, since I was "that guy" I'll play devil's advocate on this one. Putting the wording issue aside, which I do agree can be confusing, I think Agent of Death is a worthwhile card.

Let's start with the fact that is a 3 domain 7 flux card. This guy ain't cheap, and he's an end game character. In many games he simply won't make it out to the field.

Second, every race has a counter to omg-crazy creatures. Lyssis, Ascent, Negate. Some are better than others, but they're all there. Is it luck of the draw that you have one in your hand? Absolutely. This whole game is luck of the draw. The point is that there exist quick fixes to the Agent.

Third, he kills your own units as well. Half of using the Agent on the battlefield is keeping him away from your own units. I accidentally killed one of my own guys by moving him near the Agent. Since he'll typically be played in a Dark Legion deck, having him not kill the undead may actually be too much of a boost to the owner because it takes that countervailing force away.

In the end, he's only got 7hp. You can't melee him, but there are so many other things to do. Entangle him (which can't even be done to aloft creatures), put him in ice, direct damage, whathave you.

Zycomancer wrote:
Anyway he singlehandedly turned the tide of a game on me

I'm not sure that's a problem. So many cards have that much power. I think for something that expensive, it better do some tide turning damn quick.


 Post subject: Re: Death Agent
 Post Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 10:19 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:05 am
Posts: 137
Location: Cincinnati OH
The more i play this game the more i find little quirks that aren't aparent on cards, there seems to be a great desparety between the cards that are good and those that are not, the last two matches i played, against different people consisted of my oppnute doing almost nothing other then placing 2 vision buildings, it was very boring and both times i lost because i could not destroy buildings faster then they could put them upm when my deck is all about dropping as many creatures as it can. This was exceptionaly dull to play against, and the more i play this the less i like it, and i have no intention of dropping hundreds of dollars to build something good with my own cards. Great concept but theres too many issues with gameplay already and what i see a lot of people requesting for cards is going to turn this into a very bad version of magic. i don't expect I'm going to stick around.

 Post subject: Re: Death Agent
 Post Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 10:28 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:09 pm
Posts: 104
Zycomancer wrote:
The more i play this game the more i find little quirks that aren't aparent on cards, there seems to be a great desparety between the cards that are good and those that are not, the last two matches i played, against different people consisted of my oppnute doing almost nothing other then placing 2 vision buildings, it was very boring and both times i lost because i could not destroy buildings faster then they could put them upm when my deck is all about dropping as many creatures as it can. This was exceptionaly dull to play against, and the more i play this the less i like it, and i have no intention of dropping hundreds of dollars to build something good with my own cards. Great concept but theres too many issues with gameplay already and what i see a lot of people requesting for cards is going to turn this into a very bad version of magic. i don't expect I'm going to stick around.

This is in beta, things are getting ironed out. You're judging a book by it's cover at this point.

Your game against the person with just buildings was his way of winning. Your way is with creatures to control the field. That just means your deck is weak against a building rusher, fix it. :)

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