Starter Deck: Elementals
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Author:  BabyLeech [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Starter Deck: Elementals

1x Blaze of Abrixa (EEE7, 3 atk / 4hp) [[Rare]]
2x Cinder Mogi (EE3, 1/2)
2x Dust Devil (EE3, 4/6)
2x Flame Ent (EE3, 4/2)
3x Flamekin (E1, 2/1)
1x Guuthlun Tempest (EEE6, 3/6) [[Rare]]
2x Lawn Gargoyle (X3, 1/4)
2x Mana Lion (EE4, 2/6)
2x Prodigal Entropene (E4, 1/3)
2x Sleet Mogi (E3, 1/1)
1x Stone Mauler (XX5, 3/6)
1x Water Weird (E1, 1/2)

3x Cloudburst (EE3)
2x Heatwave (EE2)
1x Isolated Twister (E1)
2x Reform (EE3)
1x Sand Storm (E3)
1x Sunburst (E3)
1x Tremor (EE3)

2x Arid Encroachment (E2)
1x Buoyancy (EE2)
1x Flash Flood (EE3)
1x Planar Intersection, Fire (EE5) [[Rare]]
1x Spying Sparks (E1)
1x Tailwinds (EEE1)
1x Wandering Whorl (EE2)

1x Chambered Reef (E2)
1x Mogi Nest (E3)
1x Thunderhead Reach (8)
2x Vapor Mahal (4)


You guys should be ashamed that players have to spend their time to describe what you sell inside your Starters :x

Author:  VeratilEladamri [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter Deck: Elementals

They'd rather get the game working better than have to do something low priority like that. :P

Author:  BabyLeech [ Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter Deck: Elementals


I'm sorry, what have you bought to eat this weak? You don't know what was inside cans but shop was working really well?

Oh goodie... :|

Author:  VeratilEladamri [ Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter Deck: Elementals

BabyLeech wrote:

I'm sorry, what have you bought to eat this weak? You don't know what was inside cans but shop was working really well?

Oh goodie... :|

What? I have no idea what you're talking about. :?

Author:  MistStlkr [ Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter Deck: Elementals

No worries, VE... he is equating buying a deck without a list to you shopping at the market and buying unlabeled cans of food... for some reason.

How is this any different than buying a "starter pack" from Magic back in the day before they were pre-built, workable decks? You got 40 quasi-random cards.. in this case you are even assured they are of a domain you want and can use.. you are still up on the deal without a card list. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing the decks we can buy be quasi-random, essentially a domain-biased bulk-pack purchase and leave some surprise in it.

Author:  BabyLeech [ Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starter Deck: Elementals

For some magical reason I'm one of those mad and insane customers who like to know what they buy.

Not a big things really, I bought the Starter and spent 15 minutes writing it down here so you can read it but, obviously, self-dignity (in terms of being a customer, not a man) of some players is still on a low level.

Not that I'm surprised, that's the reason why modern products are usually good for months or years, not for +10 years like they used to.

Cool, keep it that way and don't be too demanding to not spoil the producers/makers/sellers good mood! 8-)

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