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Altren's cheat script |
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Author: | Guest [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:59 pm ] |
Post subject: | Altren's cheat script |
do all players from Moscow cheat or just Altren ? |
Author: | Sunyaku [ Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:09 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Altren's cheat script |
??? How does Alt cheat? I've beaten and been beaten by all the regular players... so I'm inclined to believe Alt is just really good, which I admit, on some occassions may "look like" cheating. Since you were anonymous and provided no details, I have to assume you're just angry after losing a match. |
Author: | MistStlkr [ Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:43 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Altren's cheat script |
Beware the Moscow Cartel.. they are working in collusion to corner the tournament pots... it's a conspiracy I tell you! ![]() ![]() |
Author: | Altren [ Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:04 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Altren's cheat script |
Actually almost every third game I play enemy says that I have lucky draw/better cards/cheated/used cards wrong way/their cards doesn't work/anything else. Yes, I'm cheating! I have twelve servers that counting my turns like chess program and giant machine that hacking all The Far Wilds servers and stealing all cards from enemies and giving them to me, giving me best cards in hand. ![]() |
Author: | zultor [ Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Altren's cheat script |
Guest wrote: do all players from Moscow cheat or just Altren ? This is why guest account shouldn't be able to post. I don't know anything about this situation but if you are going to say something like this at least stand behind your accusations. Is there any proof or are you just unhappy he beat you? |
Author: | Guest [ Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:28 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Altren's cheat script |
zultor wrote: Guest wrote: do all players from Moscow cheat or just Altren ? This is why guest account shouldn't be able to post. I don't know anything about this situation but if you are going to say something like this at least stand behind your accusations. Is there any proof or are you just unhappy he beat you? exactly! if you can t prove it, they must not be cheating, right ? ![]() |
Author: | zultor [ Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:38 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Altren's cheat script |
Guest wrote: zultor wrote: Guest wrote: do all players from Moscow cheat or just Altren ? This is why guest account shouldn't be able to post. I don't know anything about this situation but if you are going to say something like this at least stand behind your accusations. Is there any proof or are you just unhappy he beat you? exactly! if you can t prove it, they must not be cheating, right ? ![]() No, but I don't give much credence to a person who hides behind aninimity. He may very well be cheating I have no idea. All I know is that you made a backhanded statement while hiding. That's two strikes against you and no strikes against the person you are accusing. Who should I believe? Again, do you have any proof or interesting situation to share that may shed some light on why you think he was cheating or are you simply mad that he beat you...or do you have some other purpose in mind? *assuming Altren is a guy...If not I apologize. |
Author: | Altren [ Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Altren's cheat script |
zultor wrote: *assuming Altren is a guy...If not I apologize. Guest is right, Altren is not single person, it's team. I have two trained bears. First playing with AI all time an giving me all gold and second helps me in programming, writing several new cheat scripts every week.P.S. I started considering that Guest is my third bear that was fired because it ate my cake. He knows too many about me and my team. |
Author: | MistStlkr [ Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:34 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Altren's cheat script |
Bears? No wonder you win.. my sneaky ferrerts watching over my opponants' shoulders just can beat the malicious-code-wielding Siberian Bear... |
Author: | Zycomancer [ Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:17 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Altren's cheat script |
YOU WILL ALL BOW BEFORE THE CRAZY WIZARD ZYCOMANCER AS I SPEW RIDICULOUS REDERICK!!!!! Mountain Folk don't bath! Zombies only come out during the holidays! I but tape under your space bar so it sticks!!!!! Your a suicidal communist, i saw the Marks on your Marx!!!! Pinballs come 42 to a pack but hot dogs only come in 7 and a half to a pack! Gary Gygax's ghost is corrupting George Lucas's mind. When it rains ties its called a TIE-phoone! Angelena Jo-Lee really will date you her phone is just dead! I killed Andy Warhal with style and a dumb truck full of tomato soup! I will hack into your cats BIOS and give it the hairball virus if you do not give me all your YU-GI-OH cards so i can make a tasty shake! The new black is super-purple! What did you do with my frog, i know you took it you were the last one in the bathroom! Who put vicks on the cheeze-its? Your nostrals are uneven. Always bet on aquamarine! Your favorite baseball team is guarenteed to win the superbowl this year. Lysol does take better in the shade. Hidden in this gibberish is the secret to the meaning of life. I sell tofu flavored pork. The martians stole my x-girlfriends swimming pool. I'm can't deal with other people's talents and I've got some wierdo being extreamly sarcastic as i try to slander people. Err wait that last ones you. ![]() And heres a grain of salt. |
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