Another thing -- I think it would be helpful for beginners some kind of "tick tock" when it's their turn. If you're stuck in the world of thinking about what's going on and you lose your awareness, then sometimes it can go a long time before you realize it's your turn -- wasting a lot of time in a real game. I'll sometimes miss the "next turn" sound and then I'm kinda clueless. Ideally, there would be something visual (maybe make the outline around your color PULSE when it's your turn, but NOT when it's the other person's turn) -- 'cause sometimes I need to play with the audio off.
Oh, and if there's any way to put the current round # in the game log on the left that would be awesome. I sometimes lose track of what round it is, and what has happened this round vs. last -- which I think would also help new folk keep better awareness of what's going on. (This change, at least, should be trivial
