So you've nerfed loyal wilds...
It now gives control like it's a building. That's not bad, I can go with that, I see how overpowered it was before. I can get behind this change.
The part I have a bit of an issue with is the last part on the card.
"Loyal Wilds is removed if ever not in a forest."
That gives the mountain folk an extra way to get rid of it. They were already the only domain that could remove it with Dispel Or Hex Chaser, but now they can use Geomantic Trickster to remove it for good, kill the Trickster and it becomes a forest again, but it's to late the enchantment is already removed.
It did give Sylvan a way to remove the enchant, with Naturescaping. So as soon as they throw down Naturescaping, bam away goes my enchant, even if I have a Naturescaping in my hand to immediately turn it back into a forest the same round. It's to late.

The enchant should stop working if it's not in a forest, but I don't think it should be removed. This way, as soon as I kill the Trickster or cast Naturescaping on that tile to turn it back into a forest I can regain control of the forests. It's pretty easy to hold back the enchantments control now with it giving control like a building. So I feel the last part is a bit of an overnerf.
Enchant giving control like a building - good
Enchant being removed when not in forest - bad
Enchant doing nothing while not in forest - better option