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 Post subject: Tortured Ghost
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:18 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:48 am
Posts: 79
This post is both a suggestion and bit of a help guide for newer players who may be faced with a creature that doesn't take any damage.
I played it in a game and someone asked afterward what can they do to get rid of the creature. They were playing Mountain Folk, after looking at their options, the Mountain Folk badly need a way to deal with this creature.

They only have a few options:
Negate - but this requires them to see the ghost played this turn, if the ghost is played out of sight, mountain folk can't do anything against the ghost with this spell.
Living Monument - It will turn it into a building, but then you'll wind up with an undamageable building that's giving control. [I'm thinking about trying to make a Ghost Monument deck now :) ]
Once they're a Monument you could use Sinkhole or Earthquake to destroy it, but you'd also wind up destroying atleast one of your buildings.
Apprentice Timesap - Dim revealed creature. This creature won't be able to do anything else, but it'll stop the Ghost from acting.

For reference I was looking at the other factions options to deal with this creature also.
I don't count Ascent, because they can just play it again that turn or the next.
Charm - not only does it remove the threat, it gives it to you!
Entangle - the benefit of non-moving that Living Monument gives, only without that hassle of it becoming a building.
Teleport - which jed you showed me how powerful that can be. After the ghost moves, cast teleport on the ghost and put it on an ocean tile, dead ghost at end of the turn.

Dark Legion:
Gather Spirits - destroy the corpse the ghost spawned from and the ghost goes away. This may be hard to do unless you saw the ghost come into play and know what corpse was used. If not you'll wind up guessing quite a bit.
Lysis - Just destroy the creature, no damage needed.
Soul Plague - they got 2 ghosts out? No problem!
Reanimate - destroy the corpse and get a creature! Same problem as Gather Spirits though.
Possession - Control the ghost and move it into the middle of the ocean. Only works if nearby an ocean though.
Beckon the Bones (maybe?) - More corpse removal to get rid of the ghost. I haven't used this card, so when it says a corpse you control, does the corpse just have to be in our area of influence or does it mean a corpse of a creature you controlled?
Dark Legion even have a few creatures that could get rid of the Ghost.
Leprous Shambles - This one doesn't really count, because the ghost would have to attack the creature, but if you use Possession on the ghost first, it's a viable option.
Haunt, Journeyman Necromancer and Carrion Feeder - all these creatures can destroy corpses.
Hypnotic Banshee - Dim target creature in sight. Have to use it every round, but atleast it can't act.

So as you can see, everyone but the Mountain Folk have a viable option of doing something against the Ghost.

 Post subject: Re: Tortured Ghost
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:03 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
The dwarves also have the Magnetite Beacon. They could use this to drag the ghost into the ocean. But yeah the dwarves don't have much of a way to deal with him. I'm not sure if this is really bad or not. He doesn't do that much damage so the Mountain Folk can kind of take it on the chin I guess.

btw- you are supposed to be able to tell which corpse the ghost came from when you mouse over him but it is broken right now. But once it is fixed it will obviously be easier for Dark Legion to get rid of him.

 Post subject: Re: Tortured Ghost
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:49 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:48 am
Posts: 79
The Magnetic Beacon only allows you to drag the target closer to that building. And even with that, doesn't it have to be within range of the building or is it from anywhere on the map?

Either way, it's very situational you'd have to hope that there's an ocean between the ghost and the beacon.

 Post subject: Re: Tortured Ghost
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:58 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
Yeah it is anywhere on the map. But sure it is pretty situational. Do you think they need more to deal with things like the ghost?

 Post subject: Re: Tortured Ghost
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:20 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:48 am
Posts: 79
I think they need one way to either just take it out of play or someway to disable it without giving adverse affects to themselves. Like the other factions already have.

Making it a building is a terrible option, that gives them a nice area of control probably right in the middle of your area and hopefully not near any flux.

 Post subject: Re: Tortured Ghost
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:38 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
I thought of another thing they can do is to blind it flash powder. That will make it where the ghost can only attack if there are other units that can see for it.

Ok I'll try to think of another card for them that will help.

 Post subject: Re: Tortured Ghost
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:28 am 
i also believe the tortured ghost is a little bit too strong.

what if it just did less damage or moved slower,?

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