Marketplace suggestion
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Author:  CapAp [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Marketplace suggestion

My idea: I think the system should buy commons back from users for 1g or .5g or something apiece. The high ratio of commons to all cards is going to make them virtually worthless once the userbase increases. People won't even pay 2g for them and then you'll have a glut with too much supply and no demand. If the system were to buy them back at 1g each, it would remove cards from the economy, driving up demand, and making commons a viable commodity rather than piles of e-cardboard sitting in each player's account.

Sorry if this has been posted before. I didn't do a forum search.

Author:  jed [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marketplace suggestion

Yes we will either do this or more likely come up with a way to make it useful to have more than 3 of a card.

Author:  MistStlkr [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marketplace suggestion

Add a class of constructed tourneys which use Limited decks!!!!

Author:  CapAp [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marketplace suggestion

You could have a card creator that will spit out an Uncommon when you put X commons in.

Author:  Hithlum [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marketplace suggestion

CapAp wrote:
You could have a card creator that will spit out an Uncommon when you put X commons in.

I love this idea, but make it a big amount of commons(I dunno, 50 comons or something) too, so it's not a huge drain of money for you.
Now can I also trade around 10k of my magic the gathering commons for some TFR cards?

Author:  Sunyaku [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marketplace suggestion

This is a great idea, but 50 cards is too many. Based on the pack ratio, 3 commons is approximately equal to one uncommon. But that's too few. I think dumping ~6-10 commons for a random uncommon would be neat.

Haha, OR we could make a slot machine mini-game or something where you plug in commons like you would quarters, and then you have a chance at winning commons, uncommons, or even rares when you pull the lever. :-P

Author:  doiron [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marketplace suggestion

I'm up to 39 isolated twisters...

I think converting them into better cards defeats the purpose of having a certain pack distribution. while I'd love to get more value out of a pack, I don't think it's realistic unless it's 15+ commons for 1 random uc. assuming that a useless common would go for 1g and a random uc goes for an average of 15-20g.

Author:  CapAp [ Tue May 12, 2009 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marketplace suggestion

First off, I would be only too happy to drop 10-15 commons into a slot machine and see what card pops out. :) Right now I have around 40-50 cards that are never going to do anything. Ever. I'm never going to play them. Nobody's ever going to buy them. They are useless heaps of 1's and 0s. I'd CERTAINLY rather get an uncommon that I might actually play, or even just sell for 10g.

You could do all sorts of things with this trade-in idea. They could be redeemed for gold; or for some kind of tournament token that lets you enter a tourney (but can't be spent in the market or sold to other players). You could even do something similar to a different online game I used to play : putting certain combinations of commons into the slot machine would yield particular cards of a higher rarity. For example, maybe you could mix 5 Steam Charges with 5 Blueprints and get a Sinkhole.

Anyways. These commons are piling up.

Author:  CapAp [ Tue May 12, 2009 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marketplace suggestion

Hey jed, any news on this topic?

Author:  nayen [ Wed May 13, 2009 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marketplace suggestion

Let’s think. We have this:

1) Fact: experienced players have lots and lots of commons, (I have now 9 copies of death mark and many players may have much more than that.
2) Fact: With more players in the game the price of commons will become lower and lower. They would end been at 1gl each.

Now lets think about my relation with common cards. When I need a common I just go and buy it in market becouse1-6 gold is already nearly nothing for the gold I get (MC, ladder, Brass, and selling at market). If it cost 1 or it cost 6 it’s nearly the same.

But is every one like me? Obviously answer is NO and even I was different some moths ago. Let’s think now about my relation to common cards in the past. When I started playing TFW I had 0 gold. So 1-6 gold was much more than what I could afford. Every player that makes an account in TFW get 0 gold for default. As they are just starting to learn the game most of then (not everyone) will be getting 10 or maybe nothing out of ladder in their first week. Then they may be wining some more. So what would I do with the first couple of gold pieces I get? I have heard in the lobby “I bought an Ord stone with my first 4 gl”. If prices of common cards keep falling then we will hear something like “I bought an Ord stone 1 Craig Scout, and 2 Dwarven Warriors with my first 4 gold”.

The commons I have put for sale spend a long time in the market before anyone buys then. If I could sell then to the market I would automatically for 1 gold or use then any other ways I would probably use then all and then letting new comers with non o my commons to buy in the market. Then what we will heard in lobby could be “I get 10gl in a week, all I can by is one card. So I better quit because even if I bought some gold it is going to be too hard to get more money and I don’t want to be spending 50 bucks a moth. I better play WOW”

Now is it a problem that for me commons are nearly nothing even if they cost 6gl and that for new players a lower price on commons means they could get 4 cards in the first week instead of just 1???????

Finally. When I started to play TFW getting money and cards for free intro was much easier than now. MC was full of default decks and now is full of constructed decks for example. It is probably that if getting gold would have been more difficult I would have feel frustrated and just quit playing. As I could get some gold the result was different. I start buying some packs and I made my fist deck out of common cards and 1 uncommon Epic Veteran. Then I start really loving the game and I even bought some gold, I mean for real money. I know I didn’t expend too much money (I am poor) but jed probably had a good lunch or bought some ice cream for the developers team.

Conclusion: In my opinion common cards should just be left as they are. They are the first creatures a new comer will have and they are worth nearly nothing for old guys who are worried about finding rare ones. I don’t see a problem there.

(Sorry for writing too much)

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