Brass // league suggestions
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Author:  Agroagro [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Brass // league suggestions

Leagues suggestions.

In brass, I suggest you have the add pack button like in domain leagues. That way you could see what cards are added to your league collection. I might also help clarify that an interval has passed.

Id like to see more information available in the leagues as well. A basic win/loss would be nice. as well as what interval you are currently in.

Also the deck builder in leagues is missing some of the sort options that the deck builder on the army page has. These should be added.

In the deck builder some cards seems to be highlighted in yellow. I dont know why. At first I assumed these were my newest cards. but I dont think they are.

Finally, (and this one could be added to the army tab as well), When there is more then one card in a pile an icon of some sort would be nice. I know they're numbered but it can be hard to notice that you have an extra copy of something. especially the way cards are added in brass leagues. I was thinking a little drop shadow of another card could do wonders in this regard.

Just making these suggestion to try and make things a tad more user friendly.

Cheers guys!

Author:  jed [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brass // league suggestions

ok look for these in an upcoming patch

Author:  Agroagro [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brass // league suggestions

Oh and 2 more ideas:

1- it would be nice to sort while picking cards.

2- another neat option: being able to hide picked cards. ive seen this in other draft games(mtgo) its useful because your last couple picks arnt always going to be cards youll use. and with limited screen space they can distract you from your strategy.

Author:  jed [ Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brass // league suggestions

You can filter your picks. You mean more than that?

Author:  Agroagro [ Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brass // league suggestions

yeah your right filter would probably do the job 99/100 times. so coding a hide option might be asking alot. hide was a little feature I liked using with some other draft clients. you just right click a card and click hide. there is scenarios where filter might hide to much.

I dont know... might as well scratch that idea.

thanks for listening tho :)

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