Well I found it amusing. . .

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12 MF creatures (59 attack total) visible, trying to kill 2 1 health defenders and take out my last grove (with 1 health left). Due to the terrain and AI, none of them can move, and instead just nap in place.

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The final map revealed, showing three additional blunderbluss squads out of sight.
I started in the lower right, grabbed the center well, then the SarsAI swooped down and destroyed all my buildings and most of my creatures. I rebuilt in the upper left, and positioned my last two 1 domain creatures to stop him from moving in. Finally drew the tower and dropped it down there. Eventually got the caravan and was able to sneak it out of sight along the bottom edge. The 100+ flux was mostly gathered while waiting for cards to draw and cycling many, many, 2+ domain cards. SarsAI did volcano my last grove with my two defenders right next to it, but I had my last two blindweed poultices in hand and 40+ flux at that point. Ironically, it probably helped save me as it made my grove into a 4 move hex, unattackable by the AI's 3 move creatures.