Spelling Mistakes and other suggestions
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Author:  Mayhembob [ Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Spelling Mistakes and other suggestions

There are quite a few spelling mistakes on the website. Correcting them may not be very high priority, but it would make the site more professional. Would it help for people to point them out so they are easier to correct?

One I found was in the player guide section on Drafts: "Drafts are about being able to size up the relative strength of cards and dynamical [dynamically] evolve your Army strategy."

Also, in the FAQ first of all the second Q is black (I can see it when I highlight it but not otherwise. I tried in both firefox and explorer).

In the FAQ the formula for calculating rank is missing. I realize this may be because the formula is currently being changed so the old one was taken away, but in that case the whole question should be taken away for now so as not to look incomplete.

I really like the game. Hope my comments are helpful.

Author:  Agroagro [ Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spelling Mistakes and other suggestions

i concur!

professionalism on websites is very important. many potential clients will pass a site by because of details like spelling & grammar.

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