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 Post subject: You know you are...
 Post Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:53 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:40 am
Posts: 31
A bit of humor. No ill will or offense intended.

You know you are an LD player when:
-The first thing you look at on a new creature is if it leaves a corpse
-You forget what the yellow bow icon is for on creatures
-You think the only important terrain type is 'corpse'

You know you are a Sylvan player when:
-You think the average movement for creatures is 4
-You think toughness 3 is near immortal
-You think 6 toughness for buildings is godly

You know you are an MF player when:
-You think 7 toughness is about average for buildings
-You look at a speed 4 creature and say "Dang that's fast"
-You cry if the map has no mountains

You know you are an Elements player when:
-You actually care whether a tile is desert
-You don't think of Thistle Falcon as a night unstoppable killing machine

You know you are a Far Wilds player when:
-During a hike you look at the forested mountain ahead of you and say "I don't think I can enter that this turn"
-When you play another strategy game you are surprised that you get to move your whole army at the same time !

Please add more jokes !

(sorry I could not think of many for elements)

 Post subject: Re: You know you are...
 Post Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:08 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:17 pm
Posts: 98
One for the elements:
... if you never run out of buildings in your deck.

~Wombat in combat killing evil dwarves (Wicked)~

 Post subject: Re: You know you are...
 Post Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:12 am 
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Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm
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You know you are Dust Devil when:
- You sure that best human invention is sandbox;
- You trying to throw sand into stupid controller that forgot include Arid Encroachment in deck;
- You know that best building is sandcastle.

 Post subject: Re: You know you are...
 Post Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 2:49 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:03 pm
Posts: 43
You know you are an Elements player when:
- U start every single new deck with 3x Flame Ent!


 Post subject: Re: You know you are...
 Post Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 9:03 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:40 am
Posts: 31
You know you are a Far Wilds player when you know the exact definition of contiguous and explain it in far wilds terms.

 Post subject: Re: You know you are...
 Post Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 9:15 pm 

Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:05 am
Posts: 385
Location: South of Sanity
Mayhembob wrote:
You know you are a Far Wilds player when you know the exact definition of contiguous and explain it in far wilds terms.

Or their version of "adjacent" :-P

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