Pack Composition
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Author:  queeshai [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Pack Composition

I'm curious what the odds of getting various cards is. this question applies to both buying a pack for 150g and getting one via domain. my vague understanding is that a pack will generally contain one rare, three uncommons, and eleven commons. rarely, one of the commons will be replaced by an odd. questions:

how do unaligned cards fit in? since there are more DL rares than Sylvan rares, are my odds of getting an unaligned rare in a Sylvan domain pack higher than the odds of getting an unaligned rare in a DL domain pack?

are my odds of getting any Sylvan odd higher than my odds of getting any DL odd (in domain packs) because there are more Sylvan/Unaligned odds than there are DL/Unaligned odds?

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