Zblader wrote:
Yaron, you mean something like this?
DarkJello wrote:
Cute lil' bunny wabbits are yummy in a stew with colorful veggies and taboo "spices", especially when prepared by hobbits.
I am happy whenever I beat one of you 1337 noobs!
Lord Valdemort was happy when he munched on that delicious unicorn. You could tell it was good eatin based on the amount of slurping and such.

What can I say - you can take the boy out of the Trash Talking Thread, but you can't take the Trash Talking out of the boy...
Dublone1870 wrote:
Sorry, yaron, really didn't mean to whine in our game yesterday. Just wanted to explain why I did a gg so early - once the Astridian Forum gets a stranglehold on you, the trick heavy decks like the one I was using simply won't be able to get back in the game. I do believe the AF is too strong a control strategy, as I said earlier in another thread, but that's not intended to be a stab against people using the card!
Funny, you're about the last person I'd call out as a whiner! I certainly don't have a problem with your conceding what was probably, at that point, a lost game, nor with your level-headed explanation of why this was the case.
And as for the rest of you trash-talkers, two words: