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 Post subject: Ping/Reconnect button
 Post Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:54 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:36 pm
Posts: 118
So, I'm like all the way in south east asia, and can feel a 1 sec lag when sending orders, and some days, I DC every 30 mins or so.

Now, I wana suggest a button that does the following:
  • Pings TFW server, checking for connection for the account(not if the server is down or not)
  • If sucessful, reports ping MS, and ends.
  • If unsucessful, terminates whatever connection and prepares client to reconnect.
  • Opens up the "login" window to relogin, and attempts to reconnect.
  • Restart from top.

Also, can we have the option to view the latency or response time or something?

I ask for this button, cos losing a turn while waiting for the client to realize the connection is dead isnt fun. I understand you need x amount of time to ensure its REALLY disconnected, but this button would like by pass the waiting and get things going faster, if the player so wish.

(just thought of another thing!)
In the 3rd step of the button function thingy, can the client attempt to send a "pause" command, specific to the game number?
Say it sends a command or something like [Game Number][Player sending's username]+[random predertimed seed number] to the tfw server, asking the other person on the other end if they wana pause. The other waiting player then can pause and do other things while waiting. And with a certain amount of security and authentication, assuming the server is up, it shouldn't be a problem even tho the account is not logined.

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