Story Mode, Mission 1: First Steps
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Author:  Zblader [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Story Mode, Mission 1: First Steps

Well, because of jed posting that he will put a campaign mode in TFW, I'm going to try to give a suggestion on what Mission 1(Tutorial) will be like.

You have practiced long and hard. Your Instructor thinks that you are ready to master the flux and all that is in it. Using Flux of his own, he conjures a Mirage. Prepare for your last test of becoming a Flux Master.

Objective: Learn the Basic Skills of the Game
Secondary Objectives: None
Mirage (AI)
You: Starter Deck, Sylvan
Starter Deck, Dark Legion
Map Size: Slightly Smaller than Normal (About the size of the current tutorial map)
Specials: none
Starting Turn Order:
1 You
2 Mirage
The tutorial should act somewhat similar to what the current Far Wilds tutorial is like.

Your Instructor commends you on your tactics. You are glad. However, you must leave the safety of the training fields now. For once one is a flux master, he or she is an adult, and must fend for himself. The next day, you shoulder your pack and walk away from the sanctuary that sheltered you for 12 years.

Welcome to.... The Far Wilds

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