I don't know about you guys, but I'm concerned about the apparent growth of people who log in as guests and act like idiots under the cover of anonymity. I know many people were on when the guest spammed the domain symbols so much that people lagged and had to log out and back in. This actively hurts the player base. If I was a new player and that happened to me, I would log out and never come back. Obviously, something needs to be done. I think that chat monitors would be a fine solution. Basically just give the power to certain trusted players to boot guests (not boot players), mute players for periods of time, possibly clear chat log so that the spam doesn't make people lag and force them to log out and back in. I would gladly be a monitor, and I'm sure players would be glad to have people monitoring spam and cyber bullying. If this doesn't work for jed, I think at least something like players with less than 15 player wins can't chat more than 3 lines a minute or something.
Just a suggestion from a player sick of spam, thanks for reading.