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 Post subject: Anti spam.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:46 am 
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Joined: Sat May 30, 2009 10:31 pm
Posts: 188
I don't know about you guys, but I'm concerned about the apparent growth of people who log in as guests and act like idiots under the cover of anonymity. I know many people were on when the guest spammed the domain symbols so much that people lagged and had to log out and back in. This actively hurts the player base. If I was a new player and that happened to me, I would log out and never come back. Obviously, something needs to be done. I think that chat monitors would be a fine solution. Basically just give the power to certain trusted players to boot guests (not boot players), mute players for periods of time, possibly clear chat log so that the spam doesn't make people lag and force them to log out and back in. I would gladly be a monitor, and I'm sure players would be glad to have people monitoring spam and cyber bullying. If this doesn't work for jed, I think at least something like players with less than 15 player wins can't chat more than 3 lines a minute or something.
Just a suggestion from a player sick of spam, thanks for reading.

-Noob :|

Last edited by noob_mexican on Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Anti spam.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:50 am 

Joined: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:51 am
Posts: 7
I would also gladly volunteer for this brave task!

When the full moon of darkness appears, the great werewolves shall descend!

 Post subject: Re: Anti spam.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:24 am 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
I totally agree. Like Piez, I'd also volunteer for the sake of us actual players.

Also coming from a spam sick player that's tired of seeing this stuff.

 Post subject: Re: Anti spam.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:43 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:41 pm
Posts: 83
I agree that something needs to be done about this situation. The guest constantly opens chat windows with me and spams me personally too.

I don't think chat monitors are going to make much of a difference though because the one guest in particular logs out and back in within 10 seconds so that putting him on ignore doesn't do any good. The same thing would happen with chat monitors and wouldn't really solve the problem. It wouldn't even really be a good band-aid for a short term solution.

The only way to stop it that I can think of is:

A) Require people to sign up with an email address that is linked to their Guest number.
B) Ban an IP Address (might not be a good solution for obvious reasons)
C) Allow players to globally mute all guests (not a good way to welcome new people to the game)

I think option A would be the only one that might be effective without having much of a negative side effect. Most games require you to sign up with a valid email address before being able to play as a guest, and this is probably one the main reasons (controlling the spammers).

 Post subject: Re: Anti spam.
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:31 am 
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Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:11 pm
Posts: 148
yea i was on when the guest showed how retarded he was....i mean...i didnt take it too seriously....ive realized that ppl like that are just begging for a reaction. they simply want ppl to pay attention to them....if there were no players in the room of course he wouldnt be spamming now would he....so i simply logged out cause i dont have time to pay any such ppl any mind. if he wants to use his time spamming a chat room then i dunno...lol i guess more power to him......however i dont mind backing noob on this at all...id be comfortable having noob as a monitor.....hes trusted with most ppl and seems to be well liked. i think its incredibly funny that someone would do that tho....and i dont mean in the haha way....i mean in the way that ur pretty much retarded...supposing its someone tho that actively plays farwilds and was just doing that cause they were bored....either way it simply shows ur the type person that would waste 20 minutes spamming a chat room just to get a reaction from ppl how well do u feel about urself? ... i mean the idea is to attract players so im guessing its not an active player......but if u read this...dont think u got much of a response outta me cause.....well i simply posted on it cause it was brought to attention and noobs cool so ill back him on it....i think it could be a good idea. i doubt that person will do it too much tho....i mean how much of a life can someone not have seriously. surely it wont become too big of an issue. but if u do choose to come back i mean bravo.....ill gladly support u not having a life at all. lets see how much u can spam. thatll be ur lifes achievement. ok enough ranting....im gonna go play a game =) later.


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