By jed's own admission,
jed wrote:
the far wilds can be very confusing and demoralizing for people just learning the game.
Some new things have been introduced to change this, notably the Tutorial and the whole scripting system. This is great!
To my fellow TFW gamers, here are two questions for you all: What can we do to help out jed in making the game less confusing and demoralizing for new people? In particular, what can we do here on the forum and in the Wiki, to make it easier for new people?
I would like to see more guides being produced. I know there are some deck and strategy guides, but unlike many other games out there, we don't have anything akin to a 'The Definitive Newbie Thread'. I think having things collected together (if only by links) in one, stickied post would be great.
Would this be a good thing to have. If so, what do you think should be in it?
EDIT: Just wanted to say that Keyser has done a great (if lonely) job with the Wiki so far. So all respect to him for that