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 Post subject: Round 0
 Post Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:00 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:37 am
Posts: 359
I propose to create a round 0 at the beginning of each game where people can only mulligan or click Pass (Ready?). After round 0, the game commences as normal.

The reason beind this is the advantage the 2nd player gets after the 1st play puts down his first building.

Case to point. Let's assume Joe is playing a DL deck but he hates Trade Routes, so he packs a single Acmar's Stabilizer in his deck. He enters a game and his opponent is picked to play first.

Scenario 1: Joe draws Stabilizer in his opening hand. Opponent plays a Graveyard. Joe figures he won't need the Stabilizer or won't be able to play it all. Joe mulligans the card away. Nothing much going on here, he started with effectively 6 cards and ended with 6 cards.

Scenario 2: Joe does not draw Stabilizer in his opening hand. Opponent plays an Imperial Keep. Joe mulligans to try and get the Stabilizer.

This remains true for more than just Trade Routes and Stabilizers. When playing an opponent (let's call him Peter) who's decks Joe is familiar with, he can wait and see what's played first. If Peter plays a Grove, he holds tries to find an Overclock. If Peter plays a Dwarven Hall, he tries to find an Earthquake.

I don't have many counters in my decks but I do know that I try to mulligan based off the first building my opponent plays when I have to.

Creating a defined "mulligan" phase before any cards are played will prevent this from being abused.

Looking for: Crumbling Alone (2)
Also looking for: Revenant Bishop, Osin Faith Healer, Pilgrim's Cairn, Avenging Angel (2)

 Post subject: Re: Round 0
 Post Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:22 am 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
Agreed. Sometimes, move (or mulligan) advantage can determine who wins the game. This evens the field, plain and simple.

 Post subject: Re: Round 0
 Post Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:09 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:37 am
Posts: 359
UserVoice Post Here.

Looking for: Crumbling Alone (2)
Also looking for: Revenant Bishop, Osin Faith Healer, Pilgrim's Cairn, Avenging Angel (2)

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