I believe EVERY game would benefit from lots of statistics.
For example, lets take a look at a standard win/loss statistic.
Then we can be more specific....
vs AI, vs opponents with a higher rating, vs opponent at a given 100 rating range(like 1000-1099), type of win like glory, time out, surrenders. Others will be based on time like how many won within 35 mins, and average wins per listed minute graph(43rd minute=3wins, 44th minute=2wins)
Wins with particular decks(based on deck names, not cards), wins againts specific individuals, and so on so forth.
Then do losses.

After that, lets say gold.
How much gained per week(based on ladder reset), how we gained it, yadayada.
Lastly, make statistics public by option as not everyone may wana shout out their stuff.
We can give basic statistics for free, and you can pay x gold to get access to a gazillion different statistics for your account.
Btw, if possible, we can even go crazy by giving even more statistics.
When you check your current deck and mouse over a card, it will give 3 statistics. The [card instance/total deck amount] and % chance of being in your opening hand, and in brackets after the 2nd one, the % of being in a mulligan if not in the 1st hand.
Or in our "library" we can mouse over it and see how many kills and death it has done, or zombies raised(journeyman necro) and all dat. People will pay gold for this, im sure.