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 Post subject: Boss AI with reward
 Post Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:16 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
Seeing as how the whole campaign mode idea hasn't got anywhere.... I'd like to combine this idea with a problem that I've seen a lot:

Altren wrote:
- most players don't have more than 3x of copies of cards and got few new cards;
- market is empty, because everyone have many acorns and only few players have real cards that they don't need, but they won't sell them because there's nothing to buy.

Zblader wrote:
As for players having more than 3x copy of a cards, that is actually the situation for players that have lots of commons from excess pack cards they didn't need, and that is probably every veteran still here that has spent money on packs.

I believe that this problem can be solved by implementing a "Boss Battle" function. The "Boss" is basically a superpowered SarsAi with much better thinking coded in by anybody who is willing to take a crack at improving Sarsai (and maybe also some entities placed on the field prior to the start of the game). The "Creator" of this Boss must wager cards or Power. Boss Battles should also be able to be premade (similar to kingdoms), but with less freedom than if the battle was scripted.

In order to attempt a Boss Battle, you must spend X Gold, depending on the difficulty rating and what the Creator wagered . Most of this gold will go to the Boss's "Creator", but a small bit goes back to the game.

If the challenger wins the battle, he/she wins what the Creator wagered and the difficulty rank of the battle goes down a bit. The Creator now can go back and use the scripting system to make the SarsAi even harder and put up a new wager. If a Challenger loses, the battle's difficulty goes up only if the game lasted more than 2 rounds, and the challenger leaves empty handed.

If a Boss Battle has no wager at the moment, it can be played for free. Occaisionaly the game will create it's own Boss Battles with wagers of it's own,in case players are not willing to wager anything. These Boss Battles will be created in groups and will disappear after the wager has been won.

In order to prevent extremley difficult or extremely crappy bossfights from being created (E.g. a map filled with Caravans of Dreams surrouding one building or the entire map being filled with water), a like/dislike comment system should be made. People can say whether they like or hate the boss battle and why, and if a boss battle is shown to be too unfair, it is removed from the selection of Boss Battles and the Creator gets any placed Wager on that battle back.

The result? These Bosses will encourage players to buy Gold, in order to win such wagers, which should be slightly cheaper than what is offered on the market. It encourages people to actually play the game as well, which is good for the player base. Eventually players that spend money will find that they have excess cards as well through pack buying, leading them to create their own Boss Battles.

Also Boss Battles might make a good "testing ground" for cards that might be released in the future. Perhaps players that win extremely tough battles get a card that they normally couldn't get like Rogue Flux Ent?

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