Spreadsheet or other tool to manage cards offline
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Author:  Voices [ Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Spreadsheet or other tool to manage cards offline

Is it possible to create a Spreadsheet or any other kind of tool for sorting cards offline? I certainly don't want to do it manually :)

Would be nice to have it searchable, such that if you are thinking about developing a theme around, say, Fear, you could easily bring up all cards referring to that ability.

Author:  Altren [ Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spreadsheet or other tool to manage cards offline

Why it is necessary to have offline tool? You can do all this at market: use detailed view for grid sorting and keywords field for searching cards with given keywords or any word in its description.

There are at least few reasons why I'd better not create an offline tool:
- it either need autoupdater or will be always outdated;
- it would require time to create and to maintain.

Author:  Voices [ Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spreadsheet or other tool to manage cards offline

There could be several reasons for this, one of which is to have the ability to add cards yourself if you wanted to develop a theme or even a whole new race. With a good tool, comparisons between cards would be easy and you could go on to present suggested changes/amendments in a reasoned way.

I am not saying that this is something you necessarily should do Altren. It is just something I've seen done in other games. Also, the argument for having an offline tool is, I guess, fairly obvious.

Author:  Voices [ Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spreadsheet or other tool to manage cards offline

Solution, thanks to Ancestry, is simply to open the cards1.xml and cards2.xml in Excel. Those files can be found where you have installed the Dowloadable version.

I just tried it and now have a tool for all my evil plans.

Save issues will probably be insurmountable, but that is a different story.

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