Make it easier to tell when ECs are.
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Author:  Wrekx [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:11 am ]
Post subject:  Make it easier to tell when ECs are.

I find it hard to tell when ecs are. Even when I'm in game it says the time, sure. But when is the tournament after that, as in how many hours between tournaments? Where's that info? Why must I log in to see when tournaments are? Why is it in military time?

I would create a plain clock that is always displayed, both in game and on the home page. It should clearly state something along the lines "tournaments every x hours," "gives x amount of gold," "next tournament: xx:xx.xx" (counting down the seconds).

Tournaments Every 8 Hours
Prize pools of 15 and 10 g

Author:  Altren [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Make it easier to tell when ECs are.

Tournaments runs every 6 hours, and start times are same for a really long time already:
UTC times are 0:30 6:30 12:30 18:30

I think that displaying it on the main site is not necessary, but I'll think about adding this into game.

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