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Post subject: Change Log Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:44 pm |
Lead Developer |
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
This thread is changelog with content of all notable game updates that were made since takeover.Interface: - New lobby interface
- Scenarios tab added (not finished yet)
- Kingdoms and Raids removed
- Login window slightly improved
- Tooltip for Constructed and Limited ratings is shown in player's description
- Icon near "Your army is set" in EC added (helps to notice if you forgot to select deck or it wasn't accepted)
Scenarios: - Tutorial improved (fixed few minor bugs and removed attrition, because it makes tutorial too hard)
Battle: - fixed The Hunger: disabling and then enabling it healed the creature again
- fixed Drake Lair: disabling did not return control to the player
- fixed Pass and then Pass All/Unpass All letting player to act even after opponent has passed
Website: - website icon added
- forum avatar gallery added (see "Edit avatar" page of your Profile options)
- fixed forum search (was giving errors from time to time)
- fixed forum emailing (e.g. on password reset)
- fixed Wiki display (was returning empty pages after login)
Other: - much faster decks loading (was taking up to few minutes for players with many decks)
Post subject: Re: Change Log Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:21 pm |
Lead Developer |
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
Fixed Ice Sheet: was grounding aloft figures.
Post subject: Re: Change Log Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 1:00 pm |
Lead Developer |
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
Lobby bug should be fixed now. Please report if there are any connection issues.
Post subject: Re: Change Log Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:01 pm |
Lead Developer |
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
Browser version: - Fixed the bug resulting in players never logging off from browser version (aka "lobby bug").
- Various fixes related to connection issues in browser version when players wasn't able to log in.
Tournaments: - Possibility added to set minimum/maximum win limits for joining (no interface in game client yet).
- Possibility added to use acorns as a fee (no interface in game client yet).
Interface: - Style of all default interface elements changed.
- Default font size increased a bit.
- Campaigns panel prototype added to scenarios tab.
- "Create Scenario" and "Scripting Info" buttons added.
- Resign and Pause buttons moved from options to battle interface.
- Hot-keys tab added in options.
- Buying/Selling tabs interface changed.
- Way of displaying battle IDs changed (was starting from 50000, now from 1).
- Wait battle screen interface slightly improved (bigger fonts, more info).
- Rarity icons updated.
- Cycle window size increased (7 cards instead of 6).
- "Deck limits" button added in army tab and draft/sealed tournament interfaces.
- Player status panel changed in small interface.
- A lot of small cosmetic changes in various places.
Battle: - Sleep property fixed (wasn't working when creature got sleep tokens in same round right after it lost Sleep).
- Reinforcements casting messages fixed (was "Select a Creature You Control." instead of "Select location.")
Campaigns: - Sylvan campaign beta version implemented.
- Minor changes in tutorial campaign.
Other: - Many server-side changes and optimisations related to database: should fix most problems when users were not getting requested data due to database hang:
- - had no cards after login;
- - empty market or empty buying/selling history;
- - some other things.
Post subject: Re: Change Log Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:05 pm |
Lead Developer |
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
Interface: - Fixed Trade screen.
- Fixed Options.
- Few small size and position changes.
Post subject: Re: Change Log Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:20 am |
Lead Developer |
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
Fixed Expert Clash prizes. I sent gold to winners manually. Please contact me in game or PM if you haven't got gold yet.
Post subject: Re: Change Log Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:41 pm |
Lead Developer |
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
Expert Clash is every 6 hours now, and always created in same time: UTC: 0:30 6:30 12:30 18:30 or EST: 1:30 7:30 13:30 19:30
Also new tournament - Beginners Clash for players with less than 200 wins and 10g prize pool (one hour before EC): UTC: 23:30 5:30 11:30 17:30 or EST: 0:30 6:30 12:30 18:30
Post subject: Re: Change Log Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:44 pm |
Lead Developer |
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
Sorry for a long delay in updating this changelog. Here's list of updates, with some old not listed here changes from previous update. Interface: - Changed order of messages about gold fee and wins limit (about not enough wins first and only then about not enough gold).
- Fixed joining tournaments with not enough/too many wins. Now you can watch them (previously you was unable to enter at all).
- Battles no longer close when you click Resign, so you can see whole map as before.
- Fixed flux cost display in some cards' descriptions.
- Fixed guilds tab displaying random messages when you are not in guild.
- Fixed scenarios list display.
- New big "Join" button for joining Clashes.
- Fixed some texts in the store.
- Fixed keywords like {A,Ability} and most other keywords (weren't working in battle chat).
- Added {Message} tag with tool-tip into game chat and other rich text controls.
- Fixed hand in small interface: you can see all 7 cards in hand without scrolling.
- Added a help button with links to additional information about game.
- Fixed Sealed Domain Keep Cards: prizes display, proper tournament section and proper description ("Domain Sealed" instead of "Tournament")
- Many other minor position or size changes in interface.
- Fixed text in the tutorial: "gain 2 glory at start of round" (was "end of round")
- Ctrl + Space hot-key instead of Ctrl + ` for Pass action.
------------------------------- Wins limits for new players. Now you need to have at least some fixed amount of wins. Non-available modes are disabled and displayed in grey colours, with tool-tip about the required amount of wins. 0 wins: Play tutorial Play with computer 1 win: Play Similar Tutorial button replaced with Campaigns button 5 wins: Play Anyone Challenge another player Join Beginners Clash 10 wins: Join Drafts, Sealeds Create Custom game Create custom tournament 30 wins: Join Zwar Gokken, Shark Tank Join Battle Drafts 50 wins: Join Expert Clash Join any Keep Cards Draft or Sealed Tournaments: - Now Expert Clash and Beginners Clash not start when there is only on player joined.
Campaigns: - When you restart the campaign you do not reset your progress, so you can play any mission any time after completing the campaign.
- Various changes and fixes in Sylvan campaign.
Battles: - Fixed Yarl Chieftain: crash when it dies uncontrolled
- Fixed Reanimate : reanimated uncontrolled creatures are now controlled by you
- Salvage changed: now player gains flux from salvage whenever controller is permanently changed (for example with Mind Transplant)
- Lost Oasis: fixed possibility to cast it into unrevealed location.
Fixed descriptions of cards: - Astridian Geographic Society: Entire map is revealed to all players. (was "to both")
- Mana Lion: For each flux you spend or lose the Mana Lion gains +1 speed until end of round. For each flux your enemies spend or lose the Mana Lion gains +1 vision until end of round.
- Return of the Fallen: If any of your Creatures are destroyed they are returned to your hand at the start of the round. (was "at the end")
Other: - Replaced with in various pages (game chat, story portal, wiki, etc.).
- Facebook "Like" button on main website page.
Post subject: Re: Change Log Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:55 pm |
Lead Developer |
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
General:• [Lowered]: ability description clarified: ”Terrain changes one step from Mountain -> Hill -> Flat -> Swamp -> Ocean.” • [Raised]: ability description clarified: “Terrain changes one step from Ocean -> Swamp -> Flat -> Hill -> Mountain.” • New game format: ”Free Battle Draft” added into tournaments. Same format as Battle Draft, only for free with exclusively Seed Set cards. • Bug when AI did not build towards flux wells fixed (however it still has to see them; that is being worked on). • Broken links of several cards in the Battle Log fixed (e.g. Pine Ent, Garrison Ballista, Banner of the OO’Tong Clan). Card fixes:• [Skull Catapult]: ability to attack creatures with certain enchantments (such as Psychotic Break) removed. • [Farizai Shaman]: targeting of enchanted creatures fixed. • [Yarnaga's Lab Assistant]: ability to manipulate with negative tokens as well added. • [Early Dawn]: resolve order fixed (e.g. Novice Adventurer gains stat token). • [Crypt Doctor]: resolve order of Doctor’s ability fixed (i.e. heal follows after sacrifice, e.g. creature will be healed after taking damage from sacrificed Putrid Zombie). • [Noggel’n Bobbel’n]: is no longer able to target himself. Card descriptions:• [Spaf's Greatbow]: added missing: “Can’t melee”. • [Iron Porcupine]: clarified ability description: “...after it Melees”. • [Entangle]: when trying to Entangle an Aloft creature an explanatory message is shown: “Can’t target Aloft” . UI fixes:• “Join Expert/Beginners Clash” button no longer forwards into a wrong tournament. • Failed registration from now on states reason of the failure. • Guests are no longer able to send decks, instead they are encouraged to create an account. • Several further minor UI fixes. 3D Client:• Missing spawn effects for several creatures added. • Bug preventing player from re-logging after lost connection fixed. • Installer updated.
Post subject: Re: Change Log Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:17 am |
Lead Developer |
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
3D Client launcher:• Now properly delete old files. • Never delete self. • Whenever launcher is closed all related processes are stopped (was continuing update even after closed launcher window). • Problem with not being able to update self fixed (if you are having any problems with launcher: rename TheFarWildsLauncher.exe in helpers directory to TheFarWildsLauncher2.exe and run it once, remove TheFarWildsLauncherBase.pyc if you have such file there).