We are looking for players who want and able to create campaigns for beginners.
We need DL and MF campaigns at first.
We can pay up to 1000 gold for one.
Campaign should me similar to my my sylvan campaign (and better I hope

- 2 parts with 4 missions each
- in players decks must be cards from new default decks
http://thefarwilds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2265 - adding new cards (still from new decks

) in every new misson
- AI deck shoudn't have complex and hight rarity cards.
- use most of the features of cards (for example misson where you have 3 imps on island)
- campaigns just a advanced tutorial so try to add different tips. (like creatures in water takse 2 hp, basics of flux counting ets)
Let me or Altren know if anyone interested and I'll send you sources of default sylvan campaign.