We are looking for volunteers, that can help The Far Wilds project grow.
If you are willing to help and have some text writing or development skills visit our forum for details.
Here is a list of things that you may be able to help with:
1. English texts writing/refining:
Rewrite/refine various texts, written in not very good English (by me). This includes news, change logs, in-game texts.
This role requires little time, but regularly. (several times per month I guess)
2. Art for UI.
Create or improve art, such as icons, skins for buttons and other controls.
This role could be either one time task or some regular tasks whenever you want.
3. Texts writing for campaigns:
Compose campaign texts, make campaign stories.
This role requires more time.
4. Adobe flex/flash development:
Improve or modify in-game UI using adobe flex and actionscript 3.
This role could be either one time fix/changes or some regular tasks whenever you want to help or more constant task.
5. Adobe flex/flash and Adobe AIR development on mobile platforms (and may be Mac OS X):
Help with porting game client to Android/iOS using Adobe AIR.
I have already achieved some results on android which should also apply for iOS, but there is much more to do.
This role require one long time work and then might turn into role #3.
6. Campaign development using AngelScript:
Create new campaigns, based on your ideas and (optionally) input from other developers about what to do.
7. C++ development:
Help improve or fix cards logic, battle logic or AI.
This role requires much more skills and time than previous roles.
8. Erlang development:
Help improve server side logic (everything except things from #6).
This role requires much more skills and time than previous roles.
9. Other:
If you want to help with something else, please contact me as well.
Although this work is on a volunteer basis, we will reward efforts with our in-game currency (gold).
Code will be peer-reviewed by me and I will try to provide helpful feedback.
If you are willing to get something else in exchange for your help this can be discussed. Maybe there are other good motivations that I missed -- tell me about them (even if you are not planning to take part yourself).
Contact me here in forums
or by email: altren(at)thefarwilds.com
or by Skype: Alt_ren
or by ICQ: 291841364
or in game