Working on browser version render.
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Author:  Altren [ Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Working on browser version render.

We are improving browser version battle render and need some opinion on what looks better/worse and what need to be changed for better image. Here are two screenshots, please tell what do you like more in both left and right versions in this images:


P.S. While I was doing this screenshots I also noticed that selected creature is not highlighted. I'll add that as well.

Author:  Schaiden [ Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Working on browser version render.

This new improved browser version is much better in my opinion. Hexs are looking more clearer than previous and they won't discourage to play. Everything looks more
simpler and that is very good :>

Author:  Zurken [ Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Working on browser version render.

Um, what are we supposed to look for?

I've only noticed the colouring of controlled spots, which I prefer on left. It makes clearer if each individual space is controlled or not.

Author:  Altren [ Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Working on browser version render.

Main changes are:
- Whole controlled territory is outlined now instead of outlining each hex. This makes battlefield much cleaner.
- All hexes do not have gaps between then, instead of it there is thin grid. Also this grid can be disabled in options.
- Target hexes are smaller and easier to notice.

Author:  Zurken [ Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Working on browser version render.

Don't like the territory outlining, I think it was easier (and less confusing) to spot before. Especially when opponent's territory is partially fogged, but the outline gives you the impression as if you were seeing all of it..

I like the option to remove the grid, though used to the old version as I am it might take a while for me to come to terms with it.

Casting - I liked the option to see which hexes will I see /take control of in case of buildings/ upon casting, which was now removed.

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