Seat Of The Essenes - No Buildings
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Author:  cylone [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:40 am ]
Post subject:  Seat Of The Essenes - No Buildings

Okay i had very little time, and had problems with a whole bunch of scripts, so instead of chess or a starting map here's an easier thing:

1st. Build a deck with just the base/domain giving buildings. And lots and lots of creatures.
2nd. Find an opponent
3rd. ......?
4th. Goddamit this joke is sooo old and lame lol.

NO GRABBING WELLS WITH BUILDINGS! Both players need to pass the first turn.
Try not to use any other than basic to have domain/base around the Seat.
Destroy the opponents SEAT to WIN! Glory is not counted.
Map is random but there are guaranteed paths between both sides.

Copy/paste into lobby and click to play.

{Script,Seat Of The Essenes,38}

Also goddamned map editor please :) Pretty please :)

Author:  cylone [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Seat Of The Essenes - No Buildings

You might want to check out the improved original version, seems it is more liked.
This one is also playable against the Ai, but its a cheating bastard :)

{Script,Seat original version,39}

Its basically a standard game (grabbing flux wells, get glory etc.)
Make a deck with just the domain/base buildings and fill with creatures and spells.

Remember the rules!
Also DL is ridiculously unbalanced in this format (heh big surprise there...grumblegrumble) so dont play it.

Tired of building spam? Mahals got you down? Try some old fashioned creature to creature tug of war. Enjoy!

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