Turmoil + Freehold
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Author:  Psyclone [ Sat May 08, 2010 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Turmoil + Freehold

Freehold can be played during Turmoil. Turmoil states "No buildings can be played." Freehold is a building.

For the third time this month, I had someone play Turmoil + Freehold. In fact today, they played Turmoil + Freehold + Freehold on turn 6. For a total of 5 flux & 2 domain, they took out 2 of my flux wells. This is very OP and very broken!

Author:  Zblader [ Sat May 08, 2010 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Turmoil + Freehold

Hmm, wonder who that someone is... (Not saying because I'm pretty sure we all know by now.)

I think that because Turmoil doesn't detect a construction site from freehold (which in this case completes instantly anywhere), it allows freehold to go through, because most buildings would that would be placed would end up as construction sites.

Regardless, this needs to be fixed ASAP.

Author:  Altren [ Sat May 08, 2010 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Turmoil + Freehold

That should have been me, but I wasn't playing today yet. :)
[Edit: looked at post time] That probably was me, but I played Turmoil+Freehold+Desolation Totem.

That line about no buildings simply not implemented and should be removed, that's why it works.
Also I don't think that it's OP. I agree that it's good combo, but with many counters.

Author:  Zblader [ Sat May 08, 2010 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Turmoil + Freehold

Altren wrote:
That should have been me, but I wasn't playing today yet. :)

That line about no buildings simply not implemented and should be removed, that's why it works.
Also I don't think that it's OP. I agree that it's good combo, but with many counters.

Well, it's definitley a good combo, but battle ready sure is a pain to deal with. Add Armor or Reconstruction, and it is one hell of a good card combo. And most counters will cause you to waste some flux you might not even have yet.

Author:  Themist [ Sat May 08, 2010 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Turmoil + Freehold

Ok, no offense to anyone but I think I've had enough of this...

Knocking out 2 wells for 5 flux isn't op'd? BTW your also knocking them down to 2 flux per turn.

But like I said I'm done with trying to help fix this stuff. I have new players already planning on quitting because of things like this. You're trying to tell me you guys made a card, put certain rules that apply to that card, alpha and beta tested it, put it into circulation for months, and then....oh yeah by the way it wasn't supposed to have the whole sentence of "No Buildings Can Be Placed."

Author:  DarkJello [ Sat May 08, 2010 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Turmoil + Freehold

I have commented on this EXACT problem multiple times to Altren and others.

Common sense and logic indicate that "no buildings can be played" means that NO buildings should be allowed to be put into play. You either understand english or you don't!

Players of Altren's skill and rank don't just run around playing weak combos. The very fact that he played it indicates it is VERY good at a minimum. And again, using common sense and logic, it is obviously either EXTREMELY strong or OP. 1+1=2 in this universe...

DarkJello :twisted:

Author:  Zblader [ Sat May 08, 2010 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Turmoil + Freehold

DarkJello wrote:
I have commented on this EXACT problem multiple times to Altren and others.

Common sense and logic indicate that "no buildings can be played" means that NO buildings should be allowed to be put into play. You either understand english or you don't!

Players of Altren's skill and rank don't just run around playing weak combos. The very fact that he played it indicates it is VERY good at a minimum. And again, using common sense and logic, it is obviously either EXTREMELY strong or OP. 1+1=2 in this universe...

DarkJello :twisted:

1+1=2 in this universe...

1+1= OVER 9000 in TFW ;)

Author:  jed [ Sat May 08, 2010 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Turmoil + Freehold

Themist: I'm listening to you. I thought I mentioned that there would be another round of balancing done pretty soon. I think it is much better to change several cards at once rather than one every once in awhile.
Although is turmoil+freehold really worse than desolation totem?

Also that bit of text was accidentally stuck there when I thought for a minute during beta you would be able to insta build if no one controlled anything. But that isn't true so there is no reason for turmoil to stop you from building. It never has done this. The text being there is a bug. And I'm sorry it has been there this long.

Author:  DarkJello [ Sun May 09, 2010 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Turmoil + Freehold

So wording on Turmoil will be changed?

Problem solved...

DarkJello :geek:

Author:  Psyclone [ Mon May 10, 2010 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Turmoil + Freehold

Altren wrote:
That should have been me, but I wasn't playing today yet. :)
[Edit: looked at post time] That probably was me, but I played Turmoil+Freehold+Desolation Totem.

That line about no buildings simply not implemented and should be removed, that's why it works.
Also I don't think that it's OP. I agree that it's good combo, but with many counters.

A good combo is a huge understatement.

You took out 3 of my flux wells. You had 2 Freeholds on the bottom left and bottom right flux wells and a totem on the middle one. You knocked me down from 5 flux to 2 flux and I had to now take out 2 buildings with 5 health, 1 attack, Battle Ready on turn 7. You never even saw within 3 spaces of one the nodes you took out since Freehold requires no vision.

DarkJello wrote:
So wording on Turmoil will be changed?

Problem solved...

That would solve the wording problem, but then I would just have to move this conversation from the Bugs forum to the "This Card Is OP" forum.

Being able to do all of this at all, let alone for 2 domain, 5 flux (1+2+2) is very OP and a lot of people seem to agree. Turmoil should not be reworded to allow Freehold to be placed. But that's just my 2 cents.

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