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Abyssal Bloodhound |
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Author: | DarkJello [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:49 am ] |
Post subject: | Abyssal Bloodhound |
I have been tinkering with Summoning Circle today. The card's text reads as follows: Enchantment Enchant Land Space (X): Bring a creature with Flux cost X from your hand into play undimmed. Remove creature at the end of the round. Abyssal Bloodhound seems like a perfect match with this enchantment, as you can dial in the attack power and cost EXACTLY as needed. Guess again peeps... Chaos, UA, UA (X) Card text for Abyssal Bloodhound states: Creature Bloodhound starts with X attack tokens and X Health tokens. All spaces adjacent to wounded living Creatures are revealed to you. Spawn on ruins. Question for the 1337 pseudo-Jedi masters of TFW. Do you believe Summoning Circle should allow you to choose "X", or is it supposed to give you a 0 attack, 0 defense Bloodhound as it does right now??? Discuss amongst yourselves... Thanx! DarkJello ![]() |
Author: | Atahualpa [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:12 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Abyssal Bloodhound |
Seeing as X is used as the default algebraic variable, that's what it states on the card. In this case, however X (Bloodhound) != X (Circle). Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that one of those variables should be Y, when thinking on this situation. Where X = Cost of Bloodhound and Y = Cost of Circle. When casting Circle, you play Y cost. The Bloodhound then looks for X flux paid, which, in this case is 0, starts with his 0/0 stats. The current effect is correct, IMO. *not a 1337 pseudo-jedi master |
Author: | Altren [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Abyssal Bloodhound |
DarkJello: Weird that you said about all this and not said about actual bug - it gives you 1 flux when played. |
Author: | Zblader [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Abyssal Bloodhound |
But since it's the same variable, X, shouldn't the Circle's cost apply to the Bloodhound by giving it X stats? |
Author: | Atahualpa [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:39 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Abyssal Bloodhound |
Nonono, those are two different occurances of X. It's like having two separate questions in the same exam, both looking for the value of X. Once the Circle's casting has been resolved, it then magically spits out a Bloodhound as part of it's effect. There was no X flux spent to cast the Bloodhound, all the flux was spent on the Circle. |
Author: | DarkJello [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:53 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Abyssal Bloodhound |
Altren: I did not say interaction between Summoning Circle and Bloodhound was a bug. It was simply a question directed towards the peanut gallery. Also, I just barely confirmed the true bug you were astute enough to catch. Nice job. Obviously I did not notice the 1 free flux or I would have mentioned it. Atahualpa et al: Your logical reply explains how it is working now. My question is whether that was jed's intent, or if he meant for it to then allow one to "dial in" the X... That is my real question. Perfectly content either way, just looking for clarification from the Overlord of OP... AKA jed. Thanks for the thoughts gang. ![]() DarkJello |
Author: | jed [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:36 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Abyssal Bloodhound |
Yeah anytime a card mentions X it is specific for that card. There are no global variables. |
Author: | Keyser [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:01 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Abyssal Bloodhound |
When casting a card that takes X --- shouldn't you get to pay the X? WHen casting a card that gives domain (Diplomat), shouldn't you get to choose the domain? With summoning and woven, this is not the case. You don't get to choose . |
Author: | Keyser [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Abyssal Bloodhound |
also.. i agree the abyssal bloodhound, when played with circle, should let you choose X --> and X should be it's power/toughness. The cost of the card is "X". IF you make X 5, then that's the cost that you pay when you use the circle.. for a 5/5 |
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