Zurken wrote:
Upon clicking on the 'Checkout' button, after choosing what goods one want to buy, he receives only ERROR page saying "This recipient is currently unable to receive money."
I am getting stronger and stronger impression SOMEONE is trying really hard to shut this game down...

'Bug' spotted by BaconFire, whom I directed to sellers here.
Hmmm... but why would anybody have a grudge against this game? Maybe something WoW, this.... yeah, I find that hard to believe, unless somebody is obsessed with a card game like Poxnora, MTG Online or Elements and wants to stop the competition(which isn't nice anyway

). Most of the people who know this game are either newbies or longtimes fans (like me)... but yeah, someone should track who edits the code or something. That, or someone PMs Jed.
As for the possibility for this being a bug(a.k.a on the other hand), it's possible, but is it happening to a lot of people or just one person?