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 Post subject: Sylvan Campain, online version
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:02 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:39 am
Posts: 1
I played through the Sylvan campaign. On the last mission, before it was even over, I got a pop-up message that said I unlocked a new campaign, and, thinking the mission was over, I clicked on the "Next Campaign" button. It turned out the mission wasn't over, and after I played through it, it says that I have 1 new campaign, but can't actually select a new one.

 Post subject: Re: Sylvan Campain, online version
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:45 am 
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Scenarios screen is under development. If you played only first 4 missions that mean that you now can play Part 2. If you played all missions from part 2 as well then there is no additional missions now.

 Post subject: Re: Sylvan Campain, online version
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:24 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:00 am
Posts: 150
There are quite a few typos in the Sylvan Campaign. I've made changes to most of the text displayed in the campaign while keeping as close to the original wording as possible.

Some other comments:
In mission 3, the text for cases 2 and 3 did not show up.
In mission 4, case 3 has an empty message.
Mission 7 is a good spot to talk about strategy using aloft units (the thistle falcon)

Typo Corrections:

Part 1
"You have to fight the Mountain Folk and Dark Legion forces. You'll have to learn to utilize your strengths to get an award for this campaign. Each mission of the first part requires 6 Glory for victory."
"You have completed the first part already. Do you want to play a particular mission again?"
"Welcome Back to Sylvan Campaign. Do you want to continue from where you left off?
"Do you really want to restart the campaign from the beginning?"

"You lost. Your enemy reached 6 Glory. That's ok, you can just try again. Remember you must capture that right Flux Well."

"Congratulations, you passed the second mission. Keep it up."
"You lost. Your enemy reached 6 Glory. That's ok, you can just try again."

Case 0: "Curbing the enemy gave you time to call {C,Treeherd}s to battle, this creature doesn't need a Base to be cast, but requires a forest."
Case 1: "In this mission you have 2 ways to achieve victory - either earn 6 Glory, or destroy the enemy base."
Case 2: "Looks like there is no forest around, however there is one in the north east, send a Scout there."
Case 3: "Somewhere in the Northwest is the enemy base, be wary of running too far into uncharted land, you can pointlessly lose your creature."
Case 4: "Here is the forest, now you can cast your {C,Sapling} and {C,Treeherd}."

"Congratulations, you passed the third mission. Keep it up."
"You lost. Your enemy reached 6 Glory. That's ok, you can just try again."

Case 0: "Your army has suffered heavy losses, but the army of the enemy is also significantly thinned."
Case 1: "You have only a couple of cards, but they may be sufficient to break the remnants of the enemy, you just need to find a {C,Sapling} or {C,Seedling}"
Case 2: "See, this {C,Sapling} still fighting heroically , but he could not stand against superior enemy forces."
Case 3: "Your {C,Sapling} cannot be rescued, you have to cast a {C,Seedburst} on it."

"Congratulations, you passed the fourth mission. Now you can start the second part of the campaign."
"You lost. Your enemy reached 6 Glory. That's ok you can just try again."

Case 0: "While you were fighting with the Dark Legion forces one of the Dwarf clans released some {C,Dire Cave Cricket}s near your base. They do not look friendly."
Case 1: "In this mission we have the restraining enchantment, {C,Entangle}, also in your disposal is a {C,Tangler}. Good luck."
Case 2: "This place looks good for the {C,Tangler}. Try to put it there when a dimmed enemy creature is adjacent."
case 3: ""

Part 2
gLevelSylv == 4: "Sylvan Campaign part 2", "In the second part you will play a standard 12x13 sized map with 5 Flux Wells. Each mission requires 10 Glory to be victorious."
gLevelSylv < 4: "You can't play this before you finish the first part of the Sylvan Campaign."
gLevelSylv > 7: "You have already completed the Sylvan Campaign. Do you want to play a particular mission again?"
else: "Welcome Back to the Sylvan Campaign. Do you want to continue from where you left off?"

"Congratulations, you passed the fifth mission. Keep it up."
"You lost. Your enemy reached 4 Glory. That's ok, you can just try again."

case 0: "These lands are controlled by Mountain Folk forces, one of our scouts saw a {C,Blunderbuss Squad} near their base."
case 2: "The {C,Blunderbuss Squad} will not be able to pass through this swamp - to enter this location he needs a minimum speed of 3, and his speed is only 2."
case 3: "It seems the Blunderbuss Squad might not be a danger to you, unless you find yourself near the enemy base. Try to view the area adjacent to the enemy base area to make sure. Do not forget to keep out of range of the enemy."
case 4: "Blunderbuss Squad will not be able to pass this mountain - to enter this location he needs a minimum speed of 3, and his speed is only 2."
case 5: duplicate of case 3
case 6: "As expected, the Blunderbuss Squad poses no danger, now you can easily build by one of the Flux Well that are difficult for the enemy to reach. Do not forget to prevent attempts to destroy your construction site."

"Congratulations, you passed the sixth mission. Keep it up."
"You lost. Your enemy reached 4 Glory. That's ok you can just try again."

case 0: "In this mission you are given a {C,Bamboo Watch Tower} and a {C,Great Oak} - two buildings each with 2 vision."
case 1: "With proper placement of the buildings, you can capture the central Flux Well by only building on your own territory."
case 2: "Now you only need to accumulate 10 Glory to win."

"Congratulations, you passed the seventh mission. Keep it up."
"You lost. Your enemy reached 4 Glory. That's ok you can just try again."

case 0: "In this mission you have to fight with a significant part of the Mountain Folk army, try and make good use of {C,Dellenari Beastmaster}'s ability."

"Congratulations, you passed the last mission. Claim your prize!"
"You lost. Your enemy reached 4 Glory. That's ok you can just try again."

case 0: "This is the final Sylvan mission. Do your best to win."

 Post subject: Re: Sylvan Campain, online version
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:23 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:52 pm
Posts: 97
Thank you for help!

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