The Ullari are a faction, they from Ullara. Ullari are very attuned to flux control and manipulation. The are a generally peaceful people, who when threatened use powerful artifacts to defend themselves.
The rough of the Ullari Symbol, a spiral shell with rays of light coming out:
Ullari.png [ 71.73 KiB | Viewed 8962 times ]
The Ullari have a few mechanisms that are recurring. One is Shard.
Shard is a tile enchantment similar to a Seedling, but works like a Single space Attrition or Termite Token. It deals damage to creatures on the tile it enchants. There are several spells and effects that work with shards.
Ullari use living crystal to construct their cities and buildings. Many of their items and such reflect this. By using Flux and the Living crystal, they create powerful items to use. They are a bit untrusting of outsiders, many Ullari will no use Other Domain spells or effects. Being seekers of knowledge, many Ullari abilities require specific domain other than their own to work properly.
Crystal City: 7f
Building Base Salvage
Provides {U}
Crystal Keep: 6f
Building Base Salvage
Provides {U}
Provides (+1f)
Spawn Flux Well
If Crystal Keep is not on a Flux Well at the end of the round, it is destroyed.
Crystal Tower: 6f , {U}
Building Salvage
Provides (+1f)
*Shard Ruin
Living Cluster: 5f , {U}
4f: Create a Copy of Living Cluster in an adjacent Space.
*Shard Ruin
Ullari Warrior: 2f , {U}
Creature, Ullari
Ullari Guardsman: 4f, {U}
Creature Ullari
Ullari Venom Keeper: 4f, {U}{U}{Sy}
Creature Ullari
3f: Heal 1 HP to target creature you control, or deal 1 damage to a creature you do not
Ullari Venom Keeper cannot be the target of spells or enchantments
Ullari Warden: 6f, {U}{X}
Creature Ullari
Ullari Flux Weaver: 6f, {U}{U}{X}
Creature Ullari
Provides +(1f) at the beggining of your turn
Consumes (1f) at the end of your turn, if you dont have 1f to give, Flux Weaver is destroyed
Ullari Seeker: 4f {U}{U}{El}
Creature Ullari
(dim): draw two cards and discard 1 of your choosing
Ullari Blood Giver: 8f{U}{U}{Dl}
Creature Ullari
When Creature You control takes damage in sight, it is dealt to Ullari Blood Giver instead
If Ullari Blood Giver dies the same turn he shared damage, Controller gains 2 Glory.
Singer of Endless Dreams: 0f {U}{U}{U}{X}
Creature Ullari
At the end of your turn, gain 2 glory
Ullari Shock Trooper: 3f + 3 Glory
Creature Ullari, Swims
Spawn in an unrevealed location, if in fog, start undimmed, if there is an enemy in sight and you do not attack, destroy shock trooper at the end of your turn
Many Ullari "Enchantments' are items. Many have Tokens that they use.
Flux Rifle: 3f {U}
Target Creature gains +1 attack, +2 range
3 Attack tokens
Flux Barrier: 4f {U}{U}
Target Creature gains Fear and Armor(2) and cant attack.
(2f) return flux barrier to your hand
Pulse Blaster: 3f{U}
Target Creature's Attack causes Dim, and gains attack +1, but deals no damage
4 Attack Tokens
(dim)+X: add X attack tokens
Gregan Beast: 3f {U}{X}
Target Creature gains +2 Movement and +1 Sight
Gregan Beast consumes 1 flux at the end of the round or returns to your hand.
Reap the Benefits:4f{U}{U}
Global enchant
both players gain 1 glory at the end of each turn for each flux well they control
Shard: 1f{U}{X}
Enchant tile.
Creatures you do not control take 1 damage if they are on the tile shard enchants at the end of the turn.
Summon to the Surface: 8f {U}
Create Flux Well on target tile
Exile to Below: 8f {U}
Destroy Flux Well on target tile
Flux Wave: 0f
Both Players gain +10 flux, flux wells produce no flux next round
Pulsewave: 2f {U}{X}
Dim all creatures:
ShatterStorm: 5f {U}{U}{X}
Destroy Target Crystal Building and put a shard enchantment in that tile and all adjacent tiles.
Still a work in progress, but I think it could be good. Ullari are powerful, but are not very diverse. They also are not very combat oriented.