Masked MidKnight 3 Flux 2 UA 2 4/4 3 4 0 Lifespan (3) Spawn adjacent to creature you control that is adjacent to enemy creature. Masked MidKnight is removed from the game when Lifespan Expires.
Void Bladedancer 4 Flux 2 UA 1 4/4 2 3 0 Voidwalk (Can move 1 hex row outside the board). She danced gracefully, but in a place no one could see.
Night Archers 0 Flux 2 UA 1 2/2 3 4 2 Additional Cost: Discard a card. Rogue (Comes into play appearing as if the player had passed his or her turn. Movement is seen as a pass unless there is an enemy entity that sees it.)
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