Mogi Lord
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Author:  shlumiel [ Sat May 15, 2010 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Mogi Lord

Creature Mogi- (Not available from mogi nest)
3EEX - or 5EE
Morph from an existing Mogi
Mogi Lord has all keywords and abilities of Mogi it came from
also +1 HP and Attack
When Mogi lord is played choose an attribute - all Mogis (including this one) in play gain this attribute
I.E/ mogi lord is morphed from dew mogi and attack is chosen as the attribute - Mogi lord has Hover, +2 attack(1 from being lord and 1 from chosen attribute) and is still destroyed when enemy casts an uncanceled spell

Author:  Atahualpa [ Sat May 15, 2010 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mogi Lord

I'm a fan of theme decks and love the whole ______ Lord concept... but this guy is just begging to get three mud mogis with range 6 in play. Not funny at all.

Author:  Zblader [ Sat May 15, 2010 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mogi Lord

*sees mud mogi lords sitting on their mud thrones slinging mud globs and eating mud pies*
Perfect Mud Mogi addition. Consider as how powerful Mud Mogi is, this is a bit unecessary. Cinder Mogi Lords would result in creatures springing all over the place as well.

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